Page 9 - NEPTA 2015 Yearbook
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  Annual NEPTA Awards
Each year, during the NEPTA Annual Meeting in December, NEPTA is proud to showcase the Hall of Fame Award and the Richard H. Doyle Award, which are presented to transit professionals who have made a significant contribution to the industry.
David Lee, General Manager for CT Transit and past NEPTA President, graciously inducted Louis Schulman, Administrator Norwalk Transit District, into the NEPTA Hall of Fame. Lou was presented with the NEPTA Hall of Fame Award in appreciation for his dedication, humility and outstanding service to the transit industry and to the people of the community to whom he served for over 38 years.
Another honorable mention award, the Richard H. Doyle Award, dedicated to Richard H. Doyle, former Administrator for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Region 1, was presented by Michael Whitten, Executive Director, Manchester Transit Authority, to Al Byam, General Manager of UMass Transit Services. Al was given this prestigious award for his excellent customer service, significant contributions to the transit community and commitment to being a student mentor. The members of the NorthEast Passenger Transportation Association wish Al and Lou the very best in their retirement.
Scholarship Award
The NorthEast Passenger Transportation Association scholarships are available to NEPTA member employees and dependents entering into or continuing their education in transit related fields. These scholarships are awarded each year at the NEPTA Annual Meeting. NEPTA will notify members when the application for this year is available at
Congratulations to the 2014 NEPTA Scholarship Award recipients:
Takary Connor
Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority
kevin Morrissey 
UMass Transit Services
Joseph p. Zuraw 
UMass Transit Services

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