Page 21 - RCPA
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Jurisdictional Visit
In June 2018 the College President, Chair of
the Board of Education and Assessment and
the College CEO visited Fellows and Trainees in Singapore and Malaysia. Later in the year they will visit Hong Kong. These visits take place every two years and are an opportunity for the College to see rst-hand the current situation in those sites, to touch base with Fellows, Trainees and prospective Fellows and learn more about the issues particular to each jurisdiction.
At Academia SGH Campus they received a Digital Pathology Update. A Molecular Tour included
the Molecular laboratory, Translational Pathology Centre, Cytogenetics Laboratory. They were updated on the SingHealth Pathology Residency Programme (AP) by the Faculty Core Consultant Staff, SGH. KKWCH, and Changi Hospitals. There was an open forum update by Executive, followed by a Q &A session for SingHealth consultant staff and trainees with Dr Inny Busmanis as convenor. There were also presentations on Molecular Magic, Genome and Sequencing Basics, Soft Tissues? Fusion Confusion, Neuro Monoculture? What does it mean. The next day they visited National University Hospital, which included an update session for consultant staff and trainees. Later they visited Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and participated in a session for consultant staff and trainees.
The RCPA representatives met with Sunway Medical visiting the Sunway laboratory. The RCPA hosted a dinner meeting for supervisors and also a Meet the Trainees session during the conference. They attended the three day College of Pathologists Malaysia’s 2018 International Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (ICPaLM) event taking the opportunity to meet with many College Fellows,Trainees and others.
RCPA Visiting Lecturer to Overseas
Prof Andrew Clouston, Visiting Lecturer to Singapore, October 2017.
Lectures and symposia at Singapore General Hospital covered Hepatocellular nodules; Acute hepatitis; Drug-induced lesions of the gastro- intestinal tract; Heterogeneity of colorectal cancer. Audiences were primarily pathologists and trainees, but also local researchers and clinicians interested in gastrointestinal and
liver pathology. A multiheader microscope case session discussed interesting cases from SGH and elsewhere with vigorous discussion of some fascinating cases ranging from antibody- mediated rejection to rare vascular tumours of liver. A lecture was delivered at the National University Hospital followed by a multiheader microscopy session.
“Fibrosis in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
and Other Chronic Liver Diseases: Pathology, Pathogenesis and Reversal” was presented as the Plenary Lecture to the 41st AGM of the Singapore Society of Pathology, a division of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, with the RCPA, Academy of Medicine Singapore and Singapore Society
of Pathology represented. Dr Inny Busmanis organised the events with local pathologists and clinicians including Prof Aileen Wee, Prof Pierce Chow and Dr Tony Lim.