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Prof Hans Konrad Muller
Late of Tasmania 1937 - 2017
Born and educated in rural NSW Konrad Muller completed his medical degree in 1962 from the University of Adelaide. In a long academic career, he earned a PhD in Experimental Pathology (UNSW 1970), FRCPA (1971) and FRCPath. He completed a BA (1993) and a Masters in Modern History (2001). He was an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Pathologists, an Elected Fellow
of the Academy of Medicine in Singapore, an Associate Member of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and a member of RACMA.
Prof Muller contributed extensively to the College over many years. He was College President from (1993-1995) and served on innumerable College committees, and he co-authored a history of the College. He received the RCPA Distinguished Fellow Award for his many services and was instrumental in introducing faculties to the College serving as Foundation Chair of the Faculty of Oral Pathology and instrumental in the Faculty of Science as Chair and Chief Examiner of the Faculty. He contributed to the International Academy of Pathology (IAP) as president of the Australasian Division and a Vice President of International IAP.
From 1969-1974 he directed the Diagnostic Immunopathology Unit in the Monash University Pathology Department, lecturing and teaching General and Special Pathology and Immunology to undergraduates. He was appointed Professor of Pathology at the University of Tasmania in Hobart
in 1983. He took a leading role in modernising pathology teaching, and developed a course in the Pathological Basis of Disease. He was an external examiner in Pathology for the universities of WA, Malaya and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He held many academic roles in Tasmania including Chair of the Division of Laboratory Medicine at Royal Hobart Hospital and had input into committees in the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services.
Professors Muller’s research investigations concentrated on the biology of Langerhans cells/
dendritic cells and their modulation in immune reaction. He was an expert in applying modern immunomorphological techniques to fundamental issues of disease. He has held visiting research posts in pathology and immunology at the University of Cambridge and Bristol and was twice Visiting Professor in Immunology at the University of Texas in Houston and Visiting Professor at the University of California. In his memory the RCPA Outstanding Teaching Award has been renamed the Konrad Muller Outstanding Teaching Award.
 ANNUAL REPORT • 2017 - 2018

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