Page 11 - VTax Ownership Model Brochure
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Versatility: Life changes — moving, getting married, having a child, owning rental property or filing taxes in multiple states, to name a few – mean changes to your taxes. VTax is ideal for employees whose returns are complex or those who have outgrown typical the do-it-yourself filing options.
Simplicity: The process to use VTax couldn’t be any simpler. Taxpayers answer a few questions, upload their tax documents through the app or their personal computer, view the completed return and authorize the filing. A designated, licensed, VTax tax professional takes care of the rest.
Convenience: VTax can be accessed anytime, anywhere by going online, to serve taxpayers who are at home or on the go.
Insight: VTax helps take the guesswork out of filing taxes. If taxpayers have any questions along the way, they can chat with our knowledgeable tax professional assigned to prepare their return.
Value: VTax is priced competitively and delivers convenience and service at a reasonable cost. We help taxpayers file their personal taxes with minimal effort and maximum confidence.
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