Page 106 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 106
caRl’s caRdsTM Updated Product: Added rounded corners for easy handling and reduced overall card size, while retaining same internal shape size.
card size: 2.5” x 2.5”
These cards are used with Red/Green glasses (not included) for suppression training, visual memory training, visual discrimination, visual figure ground, visual sequencing, and a game of sets. Printed on durable, thick vinyl.
RGCC (Deck of 46 Cards) $32.95
50 Red Dots Random Patterns
zilNicki actiVity sQuaREs sEt
The Zilnicki Anti-Suppression Squares (or ZAS Squares) was designed by Dr. Miki Lyn Zilnicki, O.D., FCOVD.
chRis’s gamE
A design of red and green is printed on a paper and laid beneath a black plastic holder with 336 small holes drilled in it. One has to look carefully to see what color the dots appear through the holes. You can play several games of placing the same (or the opposite) colored tees punched into the holes. When done, raise the plate holding the tees and the paper will show if you punched the correct colored spots or not. The designs come in pads of 25 and are of increasing difficulty. Each sheet design is of increasing difficulty to make game more interesting and challenging. CPAD1 is the easi- est with CPAD8 being the most challenging. See table on right.
The product was designed to serve as an anti-suppression distance target to work on numerous systems for any age or type of patient. These cards were designed to allow the therapist or doctor to create their own activities as well!
Updated Product:
Improved color brightness, cancellation, durability and font size on the cards.
Chris’s Game Sheets (Pad of 25) Part # Price
50 Red Dots Geometric Shapes
50 Red/50 Green Dots Letters
Includes: 26 two-sided vinyl squares (2” x 2” size) featuring the letters on one side & numbers on the other (A thru Z & 1 thru 26), Modern R/G goggles & Instructions with therapy activities.
CGKIT Includes: CGKIT $119.95 • Box/Board
• R/G Glasses (Modern Model - Hard Temples) • CPAD1 - CPAD8 (25 sheets of all 8 patterns) • 2 BCPTEERG - 2 Bags of red/green plastic tees
CGAME Inculdes:
• Box/Board
CGAME $84.95
50 Red/50 Green Dots Geometric
Red/Green Dots Random
25 Red/25 Green Smiley Face Pattern
Red/Green/Black Dots Random
Red/Green Dots on Black Background
ZASSET1 $32.95
aNti-suPPREssioN PEgBoaRd gamEs
A. The 10 by 10 square pegboard is used with standard geoboard training and the WACS® Kit. Includes 25 red and 25 green plastic golf tees.
B. A common game now in R/G on a black board to fight suppression. Comes with game board and 10 red and 10 green plastic golf tees. R/G tees.
cstrgM (trianGLe) $21.95
Ball-aNd-cuP gamE CSCUPGM $14.95
This anti-suppression game promotes eye-hand coordination while enhancing binocular vision. When using R/G glasses, the red ball is seen by the right eye and the green cup and string by the left, suppressing either eye would be immediately
noticed. The object of the game is to swing the ball
on the string in such a way that it ends up in the cup.
• Ball and Cup Game
• Elastic R/G Modern Goggles • Instruction Manual
aNti-suPPREssioN BiNgo gamE sEt BASGS1 $54.95
• BINGO Cage with random ball selector
• (75) Number Balls
• (150) Colorful Plastic Markers
• Recessed board for showing which balls have been called
• 16 Anti-Suppression Laminated BINGO Cards
• One pair of Bernell Modern Red/Green Glasses (unglued so that the filters may be switched)
The Anti-Suppression BINGO Game Set was designed to be a reward activity at the end of a therapy session, but is also a great take home game for home therapy that can be played by the whole family! Just like regular BINGO, the game is played by drawing number balls and marking the player BINGO cards to get five numbers in a row vertically, diagonally, or horizontally. However, this set comes with special BINGO cards with numbers that disappear when viewed thru the red filter on the Bernell Red/Green glasses.
Set Includes:
cssQgM (square) $39.95
Pick uP sticks gamE
BPUS $15.95
A new twist on an old game. Scatter the plastic sticks in a pile. Remove one at a time. Maybe a green then a red and alternate.
Wear R/G goggles. If you make another stick
move while removing one, you lose!
• 12 red & 12 green rounded end plastic sticks
• R/G Modern Goggles • Instruction manual
with games
fRaNzBlau aNaglyPh Rock kit
FZKIT $79.95
This system is similar to the Red Red Rock technique sold in the past by Mast-Keystone without the need for instrumentation. For use in the office as well as home VT. Useful for training anti-suppression using R/G goggles. Cards are made of same material as our Visual-Tactile Cards. Comes with a pair of New Age R/G goggles & an instruction manual. Provides therapies for accommodation, bilaterality, cognition, reversals & suppression.
TR8STRG $54.95 aNti-suPPREssioN chaRt sEt
This kit is used to help breaking suppression as well as to strengthen a weak eye. At the same time, the training enhances the follow- ing: Visual-motor skills, Visual- perception skills, Attention and focus, Working memory, Laterality, Oculomotor skills, Scanning skills, Figure ground skills, Eye-hand coordination, Sequencing skills, Speech, and Brain integration.
103 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
Updated Product:
Improved cancellation & durability of the charts.
Includes: 12 laminated charts (front & back), R/G Glasses (New Age Model), 2 dry erase markers, eraser, and instruction manual.