Page 113 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 113

Bernell sells more FliPPers than any comPany in the World! - FliPPers
    accommodatiVE fliPPERs
Test and train for accommodative facility, accommodative rock, positive/ negative relative accommodation and convergence and fusional con- vergence reserves. May delay bifocal use with some early presbyopes. Assists in hyperopia screening and lens demonstrations. Durable, white plastic holds shape under low heat for lens insertion. Powers listed on handle for quick reference when working with a patient.
All our high quality flippers are made in USA with glass lenses only! Flippers come with one pair plus lenses and one pair of minus lenses.
Select from +/- 0.25 to +/- 4.00 diopters in 0.25D increments or +2/-4.
Great for oVer-refractinG contact lenses outside the PhoroPter!
BC1270 (+ Power) $18.95 each for +/-0.25 thru +/-4.00 ExamplEs for ordEring:
+ 0.25/-0.25 Part Number = bC127025 BCFH - holds 12 FliPPers $44.95 BC1270PLANO $18.95 comes witH 4 PLano Lenses +3.00/-3.00 Part Number = bC1270300
Most flippers in powers above are in inventory and will be shipped same day. Save $2 per flflipper on orders of 20 or more!
     fliPPER holdER
       accommodatiVE fliPPER sEt
Flipper Set with Deluxe Carrying Case Deluxe Carrying Case Only
BC1270SET $114.95 each BERFC $32.95 each Flipper Set with Clear Acrylic Flipper Holder BC1270SETH $114.95 each
aNy fliPPER
can be ordered Without
Bernell name & number
 Professional level six-piece set features plus/minus powers of 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50 diopters. Deluxe black carrying case or the economy flipper holder included. Specify which you prefer. Flippers come with 6 colored handle covers (FCOV).
    sPEcial oRdER fliPPERs
BC1270S $29.95 Each
Any combination of four powers or higher powers than +/-4.00D
      See pg. 111 - BCPFS9 for picture.
sPEcial oRdER: Get your choice of ANY
 BC1270SETSP $124.95 each
(6) standard flippers in the same case.
(Please allow two weeks for delivery of special orders) Fillitoutandemailorfaxittous.
BC1270NI $20.95 Each
    coloREd fliPPER haNdlE coVERs Vinyl covers allow you to color-code your flippers any way that you like. Makes finding a flipper or directions for patients much easier.
Available in: Green, Black, Red, Yellow, Navy, and Gray.
Please specify color when ordering
EmPty fliPPER With fouR cElls (no lenses, blank White or black Plastic FliPPer only)
Flippers do not come with powers or our name printed on handle.
    Contact us today for a quote on larger quantities
BC4F (White) 25-99
100 or more BC4FB (black)
$5.95 Each $5.50 Each $4.75 Each add $1
  FCOV $4.50
Sold in packages of 6
 Order Now by Phone at (574) 259-2070 or Go To 110

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