Page 118 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 118
macula iNtEgRity tEstERTM VERsioN ii
System Includes: MITTM, multiple dot slide, multiple ring slide, Snellen slide, MITTM aperture cards, blue/black goggle, cellophane reversal plate, blue cross slide, all-blue filter slide and two red pointers. Non-breakable plastic. 40W bulb included (not available in 220V). All replacement parts sold separately.
BENEfits of thE mit2TMoVER thE oRigiNal mitTM: • Much easier to see the Haidinger Brush
• Ability to move blue filter between 3 locations to vary difficulty of viewing the brush.
• Control speed of rotations and direction
• Pursuit training with LED flashlight
• Exo training using a distant light source
UPDATED LANTERN to reduce light dissipation with covered back.
With much imPRoVEd EasiER-to-sEE haidiNgER BRush
Pursuit training
schiBoRR mitTM tRaiNiNg slidE sEt - 11 slidEs
Developed By: Katja Schiborr, M.Sc. in Vision Science
This expansive training slide set was designed by Katja Schiborr, M.Sc. in Vision Science, as an accessory set for the Bernell Macula Integrity Tester (MITTM) for use in testing and training of fixation using Haidinger’s brush visual feedback. Various slide designs are utilized in the set to keep patient interest, as well as increase their visual skill level as they advance through therapy.
The slide set includes instructions for use with the 11 slides which include: Target, Number, Letter, Line and Maze slides.
Made of clear, durable acrylic.
KSMITSET $129.95
mitTM tRaiNiNg mazEs
8 slidEs
This set of 8 MITTM Training Mazes has black lines with increasing degrees of difficulty. They are designed to fit in either the original MITTM or the new MITTM 2.
The object is for the patient to be able to move the Haidenger Brush through the maze, controlling the location of the brush with the fovea. This advanced technique should be done as one of the final phases of MITTM therapy. Made of clear, durable acrylic.
BC1044 $99.95
siNglE oBliQuE miRRoR stEREoscoPE
foR mitTM
Precision instrument used with either MITTM to train for macular fixation under binocular conditions.
Includes: 8 pairs of fusion cards, removable 42.5mm +6.00 lenses and 2 red pointers.
(Shown with MITTM tester sold separately, see BC675C.) Also works with new MIT2.
BCSOMMIT $229.95
PaRt #
mitTM tEstER oNly
(no slides/glasses/aPertures)
REPlacEmENt coloREd BluB 40W
REPlacEmENt BluE/Black gogglEs
BluE filtER cRoss slidE
BluE filtER slidE
haidinger brush equiPment
MIT2 (Set) $929.95
Now Includes: CE wall plug with international adapters.
The MIT 2TM is an improved version of the original Macula Integrity TesterTM for training and testing eccentric fixation. The MIT2TM consists of a separate rotating poloroid unit and electronic control box. This allows the filters and light source to be placed behind the rotating poloroid which makes
the Haidinger brush much easier to see. Several can view the brush at the same time and even several feet from the unit. The control box controls speed and direction of the brush. Both make seeing the brush easier and allows checking against malinger- ing. An LED flashlight with target is included for a new technique of pursuit training (shown below). This is done by moving the light source while having the patient track a dot and keep the brush rotating around it--specially useful with the optional mazes (below). The MIT2TM comes with the same cards and targets as the original MITTM. It also comes with a handle that screws into the bottom of the moving filter unit to hold it and use sunlight or a fluorescent ceiling fixture to see the brush while looking in different gazes. It allows looking off into the distance through the filter while seeing the brush.
macula iNtEgRity tEstERTM VERsioN i Compact, quiet, illuminated instrument features Haidinger Brush for
training and testing those with eccentric fixation.
BC675C (comPLete mitTM kit) $499.95
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