Page 123 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 123
binocular training
miRRoR stEREoscoPE/chEiRoscoPE
homE Vt and iN-officE modEls
Standard Home and In-Office Training Kits Include:
• Mirror Stereoscope • 12 Pair of Fusion Cards • Two Red Pointers • Adjustable Easel • 18 Drawing Targets • Ruler & Manual
Easel with Adjustable Angle
homE tRaiNiNg kit Made of Black Foamcore. Lightweight.
Includes BC405H plus Measuring Easel.
BC405HSET $109.95
homE modEl (black Foamcore)
A. BC405H $59.95 - With taRgEts & caRds
iN-officE tRaiNiNg kit
Similar design to the Home Model stereoscope, but with
the durability necessary for constant in-office use. BC405IOSET $159.95 (iNcludEs Bc405io sEt Plus EasEl)
officE modEl miRRoR stEREoscoPE B. BC405IO $109.95 - With taRgEts & caRds
mEasuRiNg EasEl C. BC405IOEA $59.95
fusioN caRds
D. BC405FC24 $9.95
dRaWiNg taRgEts
E. BC405CD18 $9.95
For home vision training during intensive therapy and for retention therapy. Doctors now realize that it is as important to retain the new visual abilities as it was to train them initially. Many successful vision training patients have been lost to follow-up because they thought they were cured. It is for this reason that Bernell is develops vision training equipment for the patient to buy from their optometrist and take home during or after their training. The home model is great for patients to do compliance and retention therapy at home!
This is a Wheatstone-type stereoscope; a true space fusion trainer with a 40PD Base-In to 50PD Base-Out range. By changing the configuration, instrument serves as a single oblique mirror stereoscope or cheiroscope. Trains for simultaneous vision, suppression. ARC, fusion, stereopsis, cheiroscopic drawing skill & develop- ment of fusional convergence/divergence reserves. Utilizes front surface mirrors for less distortion of the image or angles.
PRacticE maNagEmENt tiP: This is a great training tool for offices that don’t do In-office VT. I rent the take home version (BC405H) to patients with mild eso or exo problems for $25 and $20 deposit for 2 weeks. Often they need it for a 2nd rental. Device pays for itself on the 2nd rental! - Craig Andrews OD
Order Now by Phone at (574) 259-2070 or Go To 120
3d fusioN caRds sEt For the mirror stereoscoPe
3D modeled base-in and base-out Mirror Stereoscope Fusion Cards. Set of 26 (13 pairs) full color cards. Unique 3D animals and backgrounds. Fusion cards work with the Mirror Stereoscopes (VTP-405 & BC405) models.
BC405ES1 $29.95