Page 63 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 63

“sEE WEEs” iNfaNt suNglassEs
Designed to fit infants and toddlers up to approximately 4 years of age. Soft, flexible no screw frames provide comfort and safety. Polycarbonate lenses offer 100% UVA and UVB protection. Certified lead free.
readers & sunglasses
  fliP-uP magNifyiNg lENsEs cliP and FliP multi PoWered cliP-on
The Clip & Flip magnifying lenses turns any pair of regular glasses into a "flip-down" hands free magnifier. Flip the magnifier up for normal viewing or down for a super magnified image. The Clip & Flip magnifying lenses are perfect for reading, fly-tying, hobbies, crafts, model building and so much more! The crystal clear acrylic lenses will give you a sharp, distor- tion free view that allows you to see the finest details with ease. Each Clip & Flip magnifying lens comes included with a protective soft pouch to protect the lenses from dust and scratching.
 Part #
 1.5x power (+2.25 diopters)
 1.75x power (+3.00 diopers)
 2x power (+4.00 diopters)
  comPutER EyEs
Designed for clear viewing of video display terminals. Converts ordinary bifocals into glasses that relieve eye strain and relieve neck fatigue associated with VDT operations. Eliminates the need for additional glasses. Made of quality optical plastics. Plastic coated clip prevents scratching. Flip up to see distance without removing.
AO $10.50 Each 5+ $8.95 Each
Available in: +1.00, +1.25, +1.50, +1.75, +2.00, +2.50 and +3.00 powers.
Please specify power when ordering.
     Pc PEEkERs foR comPutER oR Vt
These slip-ins were developed by an optometrist for use of his patients in VT programs. They work well for computer work or as spare readers for those on the verge of bifocals. The slip-ins are similar to post-myd slip-ins, but have a prescription of +1.12D power. Made of polycarbonate with UV protection and a scratch resistant coating. Come with handy display that can also be attached to monitor to hold peekers when not in use.
Suggested resale price to patients is: $29.95 PCR125 $17.95
      half EyE REadERs
Acrylic readers come in:
+1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50, +3.00, & +3.50.
CLR+ $7.95 5+ $6.95 Each
   3m PREss-oNTM Bifocals
     Similar to Press-On Prisms. Come as a set of two bifocals. No adhesive necessary.
Can be re-used.
   Great for trials of stronG Bifocals on low Vision Patients
     PaRt #
Order Now by Phone at (574) 259-2070 or Go To 60
PRism dioPtERs
    AM1821 (Pink) $12.95 Frame Size (mm): 42/17/105
      B+ (Power)
+1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50, +3.00, +4.00, +5.00 & +6.00
   *Specify diopter size when ordering such as B+1.50 for +1.50D plus lens.

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