Page 99 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 99

marsden & saccadic training
      89mm. (3.50”) diameter; 100 gr. weight; made of polyurethane foam material. The balls comes attached to a 17ft, white string. These are a great addition to any therapy room!
  REd/gREEN lEttERs
  Black lEttERs
  Soft white ball with all letters of the alphabet and numbers 1 through 9 on the surface.
Works with Bernell red/green glasses. (Not Included)
Soft white ball with all letters of the alphabet on the surface.
Soft white ball with children’s figures on the surface.
REd/gREEN childREN’s figuREs
     Wall Hook Included
  Wall Hook Included
  Wall Hook Included
$37.95 Each MARSBL1 $29.95 Each
BasEBall sizE
Baseball sized (9” circumference; 2.86” diameter), but soft like a softball. Balls come attached to a 12 ft string.
MARSBL3RGF $37.95 Each
     maRsdEN Ball magnetic hook
1 magNEtic hook
MGHOOK $6.50
Bernell soft WhitE maRsdEN Balls
Bernell REd/gREEN lEttER Ball
soft REd maRsdEN Ball With lEttERs/ NumBERs/shaPEs
       (12pt and 24pt Font). Red/Green Glasses not included.
MB13RG $26.95
Adhesive Wall Hook Included
Soft Red Ball with Black letters. All the letters of alphabet, plus numbers 1-9 and a Circle, Square, Heart, Triangle and Star
$29.95 Each
  Wall Hook Included
   Bernell sPoRts lEttER Balls - BasEBall sizE
 Baseball sized (9” circumference; 2.86” diameter) but soft like a softball. Available with four font sizes (12pt, 18pt, 24pt, & 30pt) or one font size (12pt). As student/athlete improves, he/she can do similar tasks with smaller fonts. The letters are printed on the ball--not just stickers-- so they won’t come loose & fall off. For Sports Vision Training - why not train with a ball that looks like a baseball instead of a play ball? It is softer than a real hard ball. Same font sizes are available with softball sized (12” circumference; 3.8” diameter). The balls come attached to 12ft string. Adhesive ceiling hooks are included, with replacements available (MBHK....$1.25).
Font Size: 12pt
MB1 (Baseball)
Font Size: 12pt
4 Font Sizes: 12pt, 18pt, 24pt & 30pt
MB1234 (Baseball) $21.95
   Order Now by Phone at (574) 259-2070 or Go To 96
4 Font Sizes: 12pt, 18pt, 24pt & 30pt
       Each ball includes plastic adhesive hook for hanging up.
Soft R/G Training Ball with 60 letters or figures; 3.6” Diameter
VtE soft tRaiNiNg Balls figuREs
Soft Yellow Training Ball with figures; 3.6” Diameter
lEttERs & NumBERs
Soft Yellow Training Ball with 60 letters/ numbers; 3.6” Diameter
         E/RGTB31A (letters) $42.95
E/TB30C (Figures)
$32.95 E/TB30A (letters & numbers)

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