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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots                                                                                                  Dec. 11, 2015
                                                                                                                                                                  Vol. 15, No. 46
 INSIDE Snowin’ and glowin’

„ Holiday safety, 3
„ Top doc joins 944th, 4
„ Italy gets first F-35, 5
„ Navy variant of F-35, 6
„ TAPS, 7

                             Staff Sgt. Marcy Copeland                                                                                                                                                                                           Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan

          COOKIE DRIVE                                  Children engage in close-range snowball attacks made from man-made snow shipped in for Holiday Magic Dec. 4 at Luke Air
                                                        Force Base. The snow is one of numerous attractions and activities provided at the event. For more photos, see Page 12.
                                       See Page 16
                                                        AETC commander visits Luke
                                                                           by Staff Sgt.                        he said. “We want to do it in a way that is mo-   Senior Airman James Hensley
AIRPOWER                                                             MARCY COPELAND                             tivational, builds teams and gets it done right
                                                                                                                the first time. We have to take care of Airmen
Luke Air Force Base Air Show                                                  56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  and their families so they can take care of the
                                                                                                                mission. In today’s environment, we must be
April 2 and 3, 2016                                        Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson, Air Education and          innovative. And, it takes leadership at every
                                                        Training Command commander, visited Luke                level for AETC to succeed.”
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                       Air Force Base Dec. 2 through 3 to acquaint
                                                        himself with the base and personnel. It is his             The general also discussed total force inte-
   “Just as we spend our hard-earned                    first visit to Luke since taking command of             gration and sequestration among other things.
money on cars, we spend more than                       AETC in July. Cheryl, his wife, and Chief Mas-
2,000 hours a year at work. That’s                      ter Sgt. Gerardo Tapia, AETC command chief,                While at Luke, Roberson visited several units
an investment worth considerably                        accompanied the commander.                              including the 61st Fighter Squadron and air-
more than any car. As such, we should                                                                           craft maintenance unit, the 944th Fighter Wing,
have the same, if not more, pride and                      His visit emphasized familiarization with the        and the F-35 Academic Training Center – the
commitment to ownership of those                        F-35 Lightning II operations at Luke to include         newest facility at Luke.
responsibilities.”                                      maintenance, training and simulator experi-
                                                        ence. The visit also included an all-call, during          “Air Power truly does start here,” he said.
      Master Sgt. Shane Cummins                         which the general spoke to Luke Airmen.                 “You are the ones working to make it happen
       56th Contracting Squadron                                                                                every day.”
                                                           “What you’re doing here is so important,” he
WEATHER                                                 told the audience. “Luke fills a critical role in       Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson, Air and Education
                                                        producing F-16 and F-35 pilots for our Air Force        Training Command commander, speaks Dec.
                 Today                                  and air forces around the world.”                       3 at an all call at Luke Air Force Base. Rober-
                                                                                                                son talked about mission priorities, airman-
             67°/49°                                       Roberson highlighted his priorities: motivated       ship and the importance of Luke Air Force
                                                        mission accomplishment, compassionate care of           Base to AETC. For more photos, see Page 18.
                    Chance of                           Airmen and families, innovation and leadership.
                                                           “There are a lot of ways to get the job done,”

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