Page 6 - High Desert Warrior Media Kit - Bill
P. 6

Fort Irwin Quick Facts
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The High Desert Warrior is the official digital news publication of Fort Irwin National Training Center.
Emailed by Post Command to 4,000 personnel the first Friday of every month.
Over 3,800 Facebook Subscribers and growing daily.
Posted to a highly targeted audience on Facebook comprised of military, civilian and contractor personnel.
Posted on community Facebook groups in Barstow and throughout the Victor Valley.
Posted on and
Posted on LinkedIn and Pinterest.
Payroll: $86.7 million military payroll, $27.6 million civilian payroll, 42% of the economy in Barstow.
Contractors: Raytheon Technical Services, Northrop Grumman, Irwin Energy Security Partners, IAP, Medical Staffing Solutions, Inc., Clark Energy Group, Acciona Solar Power.
Approximately 50,000 soldiers train at Fort Irwin each year.
 Total personnel: 24,666
 Military Population Stationed at Fort Irwin: 4,977  Officer: 500
 Enlisted: 4,497
 Dependents: 6,836
 Contactor: 4,973
 Civilian: 6,302
 Retired: 3,954
 Rotational exercise: 5,336 (Green Flag).
 Major Units: 11th Armored Calvary Regiment, 916th Support Brigade, National Training Center Operations Group.
 Substantial interaction with other bases services: MCLB Barstow, Nellis AFB for Green Flag Exercises
 Most live off-post as on post housing is very limited and doesn’t accommodate the civilian workforce, contrac- tors or retirees.
 Very often there is a waiting list for incoming military for housing which means they must find housing off-post for a few weeks to several months.

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