Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, August 16, 2019
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vol. 3, no. 17                      Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR August 16, 2019

                        An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •

805th Combat Training Squadron;

Nellis’ newest squadron

by Airman 1st Class                    “We support the combat op-                                                              Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Jeremy Wentworth                                 Air Force photograph by
Jeremy Wentworth                    erations division that focuses                                                                                                                                        Airman 1st Class Jeremy Wentworth
                                    on the execution of war,” said         Lt. Col. Julie “Spaz” Sposito-Salceies, 505th Test Squadron commander,
Nellis AFB, Nev.                    Sposito-Salceies. “We also have        stands behind her desk July 26, 2019, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.                                           A member of the Royal Australian
                                    liaison officers and specialty         The 505th TS is responsible for software development, operational                                              Air Force looks at her monitor
   The operations center sits in    teams; we’re talking about 200         relevance assessment, and tactics, techniques and procedures                                                   during a warfare simulation at
a large room, filled with rows of   joint/coalition warfighters in         development for the future of war.                                                                             the Combined Air Operations
computers, displaying a simu-       one room working tactics at the                                                                                                                       Center-Nellis July 26, 2019, at Nellis
lated combat scenario.              same time.”                                                                                                                                           Air Force Base, Nev. The CAOC-N
                                                                                                                                                                                          serves as the headquarters for
   Above different areas in the        After being asked by the Air                                                                                                                       warfare simulation.
room are signs designating who      Force to become a center for
sits where. Cyber, Space and        combat innovation, the 505th TS        guy and a ground operator, they      it. It’s low bandwidth so it really                                       programming, we want all the
Judge Advocate are just a few of    mission expanded again.                need to be able to work together,    works well for the operators in                                           experts to be beside us at all times.
the stations in the dark room.                                             and there’s not really an efficient  the field.”                                                               I might not have them stationed
Illuminating the area in the front     “In August of 2017, we stood        way to do it right now. We’re                                                                                  here, but I can bring them over as
are projector screens displaying    up the Shadow Operations Cen-          designing an infrastructure for         With the squadron’s increase                                           needed. All career fields, all DOD,
real aircraft positioning, weather  ter-Nellis (ShOC-N),” said Sposi-      them to all work together and get    in duties, the unit was due for a                                         all coalition forces, I welcome
maps and other intel sources.       to-Salceies. “We stood up as a         the mission done.”                   name change. The 505th TS, as                                             them all to this squadron.”
Announcements over the in-          software development capability.                                            of Aug. 1, 2019, is now the 805th
tercom can be heard of major        Now, we have coders, analysts,            One of the first issues the       Combat Training Squadron with                                                As the future of warfare tech-
developments such as a fallen       engineers and an entire squad          squadron was presented was           the same mission of software                                              nology increases, Nellis AFB re-
aircraft or incoming opposition.    of operators (pilots and special       communication issues during          development, operational rel-                                             mains at the center of warfighter
                                    operations Airmen) working in          operations with people with dif-     evance assessment and tactics,                                            innovation. While pilots train
   While the aircraft might be      one area.”                             ferent security clearances.          techniques, and procedures de-                                            and hone their skills, the 805th
the muscle, this is the brain of                                                                                velopment, Sposito-Salceies said.                                         Combat Training Squadron
Red Flag.                              This close-knit relationship           “Traditionally, if you’re in a                                                                              works to ensure innovation on
                                    allows the squadron to skip most       top-secret vault, I’m in a secret       Sposito-Salceies wants to                                              the battlefield doesn’t slow down.
   Red Flag is the premiere train-  of the hurdles encountered in          area, and we have a ground           increase the number of Airmen
ing exercise for pilots to receive  traditional innovation.                operator on a cell phone, it’d be    from the operational side of the                                             “I want to get every bit of
combat training in a safe and                                              very hard to talk to each other,”    Air Force in the squadron.                                                capability we can get for the Air
realistic environment. While           “We have coders building an         said Sposito-Salceies. “What our                                                                               Force and the Joint Force” said
pilots garner most of the atten-    application, and right next to         new tool allows us to do is all be      “I’ve been trying to get a Sur-                                        Sposito-Salceies. “When you
tion, the 505th Testing Squadron    them are the operators who will        in the same chatroom. The data       vival, Evasion, Resistance and                                            experiment for the future of
implements operational/tactical     be using it,” said Sposito-Salceies.   gets tagged, so you won’t see any-   Escape instructor stationed here                                          war, you need to have a taste of
warfare, experimentation and        “The operator can tell them in         thing unless you’re cleared to see   or to have as a liaison,” said                                            everything.”
training, and future programs       real-time what does and does not                                            Sposito-Salceies. “When we’re
and systems to be used during       work. That means, as soon as the
exercises.                          application is done, it’s ready for
   Lt. Col. Julie “Spaz” Sposito-
Salceies, 505th TS commander,          The 505th TS was tasked once
leads the unit in the ever-evolv-   more with creating a new Air
ing mission at the Combined Air     Force process.
Operations Center-Nellis.
                                       “We were tasked with stand-
   The unit began as an experi-     ing up the multi-domain op-
mentation unit. Eventually, the     erations center in January,” said
squadron was shut down, but         Sposito-Salceies. “It’s different
potential was seen in the unit      from an air operations center. It’s
and it was reactivated with a new   a building or a process. We’re ac-
mission with the same squadron      tually still trying to figure it out.
name.                               If we have a space guy, a cyber

INSIDE: Commentary — 2; News — 3-4; Veteran’s News — 5; Hometown Heroes — 8
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