Page 1 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, November 2020
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Vol. 13, No. 11 Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base November 2020
Look for expanded coverage in the digital edition of Desert Lightning News and on
Backshop for the Brrrt
Invisible wounds, 2 Story and photo by An Airman from
the 355th Compo-
Senior Airman
SARi SeiBeRT nent Maintenance
GTOC initiates 355th Wing Public Affairs Squadron Propul-
sion Flight uses
no contact rental The A-10 Thunderbolt II is a highly a flashlight to
service, 3 specialized aircraft capable of close air examine a Gen-
support, combat search and rescue, and eral Electric TF-34
airborne forward air control. The secret turbofan engine
355th TRS behind the speed and power of the A-10, at Davis-Monthan
implements new VR however, lies in its two General Electric Air Force Base,
Oct. 15. The Air
TF-34 turbofan engines.
simulators, 3 Keeping a number of the TF-34 engines Force has used
serviceable and mission ready are the men the T-34 engine
Coffee with cops, 4 and women of the 355th Component Main- for the A-10 Thun-
tenance Squadron’s A-10 engine backshop. derbolt II since
These Airmen are fully equipped to handle the 1970s.
Chaplain’s thoughts, 4 the mission of keeping the 355th Wing and
other units properly equipped and ready years is due to propulsion flights like this 12-duty-day turnaround,” Hayes said.
for the high-end fight by delivering safe one providing strong, reliable engines.” “However, if a complete teardown and
and reliable aerospace propulsion systems. The 355th CMS Propulsion Flight works rebuild is required, we can get that done
“The shop is essential to the smooth op- around the clock examining the engines in 20 duty days.”
eration of the A-10 because 95% of the work and performing necessary maintenance in The A-10 engine backshop is in charge
done here is preventive,” said Tech. Sgt. a timely and efficient manner. of overseeing all TF-34 engines from
Philip Hayes, 355th Component Mainte- “Turnaround time for an engine de- 442nd Fighter Wing at Whiteman AFB,
Continue to get Davis-Monthan nance Squadron Propulsion Flight produc- pends on the scope of maintenance that’s Missouri; the 924th Fighter Group and
Air Force Base latest news tion supervisor. “One of the main reasons required for each engine, but most of the
and information from these this weapons system has survived for 54 engines we see come into the shop for a See backshOp, Page 8
sources: http://www.aerotech-
and social media
Desert Lightning News Mission ready at Right Time Training
Date of publication
First Friday
of the month by Senior Airman The 372nd Training Squad- are able to move on and learn Airmen more proficient and
Submission deadline JACoB T. STepheNS ron is doing this by transition- more in-depth techniques from productive right away.
“The old MRA course was
15th day of the month 355th Wing Public Affairs ing from the Mission Ready everyone else on the flightline. taught as the last phase of
The changeover to the RTT pro-
Airman program to the Right
prior to date of publication Dozens of A-10 Thunderbolt Time Training program. gram benefits Airmen because technical training, but now RTT
Veterans IIs line the flightline at Davis- get the crew chiefs familiar with we have more time to be able is taught to new Airmen after
“The goal of this course is to
Monthan Air Force Base, and
to really do a lot of hands-on
they have in-processed into
they all require some sort of this aircraft and show them work with them and help them their new units,” said Staff Sgt.
Tell us Your Story maintenance. As maintainers what they will be doing on a gain confidence in their respon- Stephen Luke, 372nd TRS A-10
Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees continue to work hard around day-to-day basis,” said Tech. sibilities.” crew chief instructor. “While
All military branches are included the clock, the Air Force is look- Sgt. Michael Stilson, 372nd This change makes training most of the course material
Email name, phone number and a ing to find new, more efficient TRS A-10 crew chief instructor. more streamlined and effec- has stayed the same, students
brief description of your service to ways to keep these aircraft “They get basic information and tive — ensuring that no time
combat ready. familiarization with us so they or resource is wasted in making See TraInIng, Page 8
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