Page 3 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior, January 2019
P. 3
High Desert Warrior 3 January 4, 2019
“They know that while they’re doing services out there in the Box, their families are also doing communion services on post, so that’s a comforting feeling to the soldiers and the families that while they’re not able to do it in a certain geographic location together, they’re still doing it together,” Smith said.
Chaplains have also started having a group prayer for the OCT’s, the incoming rotational training units (RTU’s), 9/16th and the 11th ACR before each roll-out for the rotations.
Challenges & Opportunities
Living and ministering in such a remote area has its share of challenges. Chaplain Brown wants to focus on providing quality program- ming, to entice worshippers to change the mentality some have and serve on post instead of looking elsewhere.
“Here at Fort Irwin, we’re in a unique posi- tion and situation that the closest place to go (and worship) is about an hour away and my goal and desire is to make the chapel programs here, an individual’s first thought before they go off post.”
He said the ongoing mission presents a struggle, in ways, because many are spread around on different schedules during training and when they come back, they want to just go and get off the “island” as some call it.
“They want to go and I get it—that can be as much of a spiritual aspect, to take and go with the family and the beach to the mountains, as staying here” Brown said.
“What’s awesome to see, several people have told me, is when they’ve gone away for the four-day weekend and their kids and teens come back and say ‘mom, dad, hurry up, I don’t want to miss youth services’. That tells me we’re meeting both the kids and parent’s needs.”
Chaplain Kim also admits Fort Irwin’s lo- cation and mission has chapel challenges that are unique.
“Spiritual resources are limited for various faith groups, especially lower-density faith groups, like Muslim and Jewish soldiers may have much more challenges meeting their spiritual needs,” Kim said.
He also mentioned the temptations of nearby Las Vegas and Los Angeles which can mean trouble for some servicemembers.
The real backbone to the Chapel: A Chap- lain’s Spouse
The Chaplain has at least one, secret weapon when it comes properly serving the community and he married her 32 years ago when he was private—she was his first sergeant’s daughter.
“There’s lots of rewards and there’s lots of payments due, just being a soldier’s spouse, no matter what, there’s lots of payment due—but that doesn’t change that there are some beauti- ful benefits,” De’Dee Brown said.
Mrs. Brown said she’s a helpmate and assists all the chaplains, ministries and life groups. She said her number one job involves paying atten- tion to what’s going on, alerting her husband and others when she sees holes or opportunities for someone to step in a hole; and helping fill the hole before someone steps into it.
Mrs. Brown and her husband agree that
Chaplain Brown is just as “bone-headed” as any other male when it comes to taking advice, though.
“I think he hears me, I don’t know that he always listens,” she said.
“There’s many times I know I’ve been suc- cessful because of her,” Chaplain Brown said. He appreciates his wife supporting him,
even through the late-night phone calls and times he must be absent from family.
“Nothing ‘smart’ happens between 11 at night and 4 in the morning and those times are when the phone calls come,” Mrs. Brown said.
One thing she said she is thankful for, is not having to be a typical pastor’s wife because she does not sing, nor play the piano.
New Year, New You
Many have heard that depression and suicide rates go up around Thanksgiving and Christmas but studies out of the Centers for Disease Control say that is a myth. Their numbers show this time of year—January—is actually when there is a rebound in those rates and the religious services office is aware and also has support for those in need at this time.
“This is a time of year that if folks aren’t going home and spending time with their fami- lies, it lends itself to depression and we make sure we reach out and target those who may be more at risk or more vulnerable,” Chaplain Smith said.
The chaplains mentioned they have pro- grams for single soldiers, as well as marriage retreats to help ensure people can start of the new year with the necessary tools to be proac- tive and lead a healthy life.
Chaplains are the only entity in the Army with complete confidentiality and they say you don’t have to be ‘religious,’ as they care for all individuals.
Chaplain Brown uses the analogy of a weightlifting spotter when it comes to encour- aging everyone to reach out for help if needed.
“Chaplains are spotters in our lives and to go see them does not make you weak, it actually makes you stronger,” he said. “They can’t lift the weight of life for you but they can make sure you’re not crushed and lookin’ a fool.”
Services/Programs Offered
Single Soldiers Program: The aforemen- tioned Single Soldiers program is a spiritual resiliency opportunity and Chaplain Smith said it’s a group they’re really trying to reach every month, since they don’t always have their families close to them.
“We actually go into the barracks and we do Bible studies, we do devotionals,” Smith said. Chaplain Kim said they’re in the planning stages to do more events, targeting those sol- diers, including paint ball and camping events, to raise morale and share spiritual advice and
life skills.
Youth of the Chapel: Meets every Sunday
at 6p.m. at the Center Chapel
Children’s Church: (1st- 5th Grade) Sun-
days at 11a.m.
Beginner’s Church: (K4-K5) Sundays at
Financial Peace University: This is a pro-
gram that shows parents and children how to better manage their money and start thinking more smartly about their spending and saving. First meeting is Jan. 10 at 6 p.m., at Center Chapel The weekly course meets over a nine- week period.
PWOC (@pwocfortirwin on Facebook):
Protestant Women of the Chapel: A resource network that unites, trains and encourages women in the military chapel community in their spiritual growth.
AWANA: A ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solu- tions to reach kids, equip leaders, and change the world. (Contact Center Chapel for more information)
Bible Study (Fort Irwin Christian Bible Study on Facebook): Meets every Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Center Chapel.
Life Groups (See Chaplain for details and/ or to sign-up):
-Truth Project: Meets Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
-The Art of Marriage: Meets Saturdays at 6 p.m.
-Making Disciples: Meets Sundays at 6 p.m.
High Noon Service: A more casual service at noon at the Black Horse Chapel (See 11th ACR ministry team for more information)
MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers): A group that gathers to support moms. The chap-
lain team is looking to re-start this and needs volunteers. Contact the chapel, if interested.
Men’s Ministry: The chaplain team is working to re-start this program. Contact the chapel, if interested.
Critter Team Burns: Conducted monthly when the chaplains choose a different critter team each rotation and after that rotation, chaplains barbecue for one of the 14 teams, do devotion, Bible study and make themselves available for counseling during and/or after rotations.
Chaplain Brown says, “I encourage people in the new year, if they want to see that change, sometimes they have to be the element of change and realize that change takes time. Some people are looking for a quick fix and after a month or two of not seeing immediate change, they go back into the rut they were in before. Be patient with yourself and allow the chance to impact.”
Fort Irwin Chapel/Religious Support Services:
Center Chapel (Bldg. 315): 760-380-3562
Facebook: @fortirwinchapel
For more information go to