Page 1 - Aerotech News and Review, Sept. 15 2017
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U.S. Air
On Sept. 18, the U.S. Air Force will cel- Serving the aerospace industry since 1986 Use your smartphone to connect to
ebrate its 70th anniversary. our Website.
U.S. Airmen around the world will cel-
ebrate — there will be birthday cake, and
balls and many different kinds of celebra-
tions. Wherever U.S. Airmen are based they
will mark this important date.
U.S. military aviation has changed over
the years — from bi-planes during World
War I to the modern jet fighter aircraft —
but one thing remains constant, the motiva-
tion and resiliency of U.S. Airmen to pro-
tect and defend their home.
On Sept. 18, 1947, President Harry S.
Truman signed the National Security Act
of 1947 — thus creating the U.S. Air Force
as a separate service.
And as we look back and honor the U.S.
men and women who have made the U.S.
Air Force the greatest air force in the world,
we have no doubt that the Airmen of today
will continue to build on the legacy their
predecessors have provided them.
In this special issue of Aerotech News and
Review, we mark this special anniversary
with a look back at the past 70 years.
And so the staff of Aerotech News and Re-
view want to take this opportunity to wish
the U.S. Air Force a very ‘happy birthday!’
September 15, 2017 • Volume 31, Issue 16