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vol. 5, no. 15                   Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR             July 23, 2021

                             An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
          AF surgeon general tours 99th MDG at Nellis, Creech

          by Senior Airman Bryan Guthrie and Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard
          Nellis and Creech AFBs, Nev.
            Lt. Gen. Robert Miller, Surgeon General of the Air Force and
          Space Force, and U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Dawn Kolczynski,
          medical enlisted force and enlisted corps chief, toured the 99th
          Medical Group at both Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases, Nev.,
          July 13 and 14, 2021.
            They visited the University Medical Center and the Mike
          O’Callaghan Military Medical Center to see firsthand the capabili-
          ties the hospitals offer to Nellis, Creech and the Las Vegas Valley.
            “The 99th MDG is doing special things here, and I know that

                                                                                                                           Air Force photograph by Senior Airman William Rio Rosado
                                                                                    Col. Eric Schmidt, 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing commander greets Lt. Gen.
                                                                                    Robert Miller, Surgeon General of the Air Force and Space Force, at Creech Air Force Base,
                                                                                    Nev., July 14, 2021. Miller visited the Hunters to gain a better sense of the mission and
                                                                                    scope of medical care availability.

                                                                                    Lt. Gen. Robert Miller, Surgeon General of the Air Force and Space Force, speaks with Maj.
                                                                                    Christianna, Hunter Medical Clinic commander about the facility at Creech AFB, Nev., July
                                                                                    14, 2021. Christianna briefed Miller on the current challenges and scope of medical care
                                                Air Force photograph by Senior Airman William Rio Rosado  available at the Hunter Medical Clinic.
          hasn’t happened over night,” said Miller. “There has been a lineage                                                                Lt. Gen. Robert
          of all-star performers, and it continues with the team here now.”                                                                  Miller, U. S. Air
            During the military treatment facility tour, the leaders had the                                                                 Force, U.S.  Space
          opportunity to see and hear about the family medicine residency,                                                                   F o r c e  an d  A ir
          pain management clinic, lab, family health clinic, emergency de-                                                                   Combat Command
          partment, intensive care unit, ortho spine clinic, da Vinci surgical                                                               surgeon general,
          robot and the 99th MDG’s civilian trauma initiative.                                                                               and chief medical
            They also learned about the 99th MDG’s COVID-19 response                                                                         enlisted leadership
          both at Nellis and throughout the United States and the renovations                                                                receive a brief on
          occurring at MOMMC, one the Department of Defense’s highest                                                                        the Di Vinci surgical
          performing medical treatment facilities.                                                                                           robot by a 99th
            “We’re excited that Lt. Gen. Miller, Brig. Gen. Bogart and their                                                                 Surgical Operations
          senior enlisted advisers visited the 99th MDG,” said Col. Brent                                                                    Squadrons surgeon
          Johnson, 99th MDG commander. “Our partnerships and programs                                                                        at Nellis Air Force
          are very unique and will greatly increase our ability to save lives in                                                             Base, Nev., July 13,
          future wars because of what we’re doing here today.”                                                                               2021. The team was
            MOMMC was the first military treatment facility Miller toured                                                                    able to see firsthand
          after becoming the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force Surgeon                                                                     how the Di Vinci
          General in June of this year.                                                                                                      helps improve the
            Miller and Kolczynski visited Creech to gain a better sense of the                                                               effectiveness of
                                                                                                                                             surgeries at the 99th
          																														      See tour, on Page 3                                           Air Force photograph by Senior Aireman Bryan Guthrie Medical Group.
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