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Vol. 80, No. 49                  March Air Reserve Base, California                                    Friday, December 18, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                  Senate confirms Brig. Gen. RussellA. Muncy

 FINAL 2015 BEACON               by Linda Welz                      leton’s First Marine Expedi-                                                            U.S. Air Force photo/Linda Welz
   This is the final Beacon       452 AMW public affairs             tionary Force uses March Field
                                                                    as its primary point of embar-     Brig. Gen. Russell A. Muncy, commander, 452nd Air Mobility
issue for 2015. The next one        The Senate announced its        kation, and said that the base     Wing, March Air Reserve Base works from his office in the wing
will be a 2015 year-in-review    confirmation, Dec. 10, of Rus-      has recently reached out to Fort   headquarters building, a recently rennovated, historic build-
and will hit the stands on Jan   sell A. Muncy’s promotion to       Irwin, deploying one of their      ing dating back nearly 100 years. Muncy, recently promoted, is
8, 2016. The Beacon staff        brigadier general. Muncy is        brigades. In addition, the broad   slated to continue his command of the Air Force Reserve’s larg-
thanks you for all the input     commander of March Field’s         mission set based at March         est wing, which is also unit-equipped and the base’s host unit.
provided this year and wish      host unit, the 452nd Air Mobil-    Field is phenomenal, spanning
you all safe and happy holi-     ity Wing, the Air Force Reserve    all branches of service as well    load,” he said.                    lets needed throughout the Air
days! We look forward to your    Command’s largest wing. Al-        as the three Air Force compo-         Lt. Col. Scipiaruth Curtis,     Force Reserve than there are
stories in 2016. Let’s make it   though the announcement was        nents; Reserve, Air National                                          billets available to assign.”
a great year for Team March!     just received, Muncy’s official     Guard and active duty.             452 AMW process manager,
                                 date of rank is March 26, 2015.                                       describes Muncy as a “straight-       Muncy believes there will be
       COMMISSARY                There will be a formal pin-on         “The regional importance        shooter, an honest and cordial     continued scrutiny to see where
   GIVEAWAY, SANTA               ceremony at March ARB in           that we share with all of our      person with a dry sense of hu-     units can trim, and said that he
                                 January 2016.                      partners—I don’t think it can      mor.” With him, accountability     will continue to advocate that
      VISITS DEC. 21                                                be matched in Southern Cali-       is number one, she said. He has    there is no excess in the wing
   The March Commissary is          Since working for Mun-          fornia or elsewhere,” he said.     integrity and professionalism.     program, especially on the full-
hosting Santa Claus on Mon-      cy, Senior Airman Jose Ma-                                            He’s a leader that is much easi-   time side of the house.
day, Dec. 21 from 1-2 p.m.       gallanes, administrative techni-      Maj. Kevin Reinholz, Staff      er to follow because he is very
and again from 4-5 p.m. for      cian, 452 AMW, has learned to      Judge Advocate (JA), AFRC/         fluent in, and knowledgeable           “We’ve got to start putting
pictures and visits with kids    make eye-contact when speak-       JA March ARB operating lo-         of, the rules and regulations,     back some administrative ca-
of all ages. They will also be   ing with people, he said.          cation, said that the wing has     Curtis added.                      pability within the individual
having hourly drawing for                                           been a great partner for which                                        units,” Muncy said. “Too much
prizes for kids 12 and under        “He’s very straight-forward,    to work, and that Muncy, as a         Muncy said that although he     has been pushed down to the
from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Win-      very approachable, very intel-     wing commander and primary         thinks his promotion may assist    commanders to act as their own
ners must be present.            ligent,” Magallanes said. “I       client, has been excellent.        in highlighting the importance     administrative staff, having to
                                 don’t think having one star will                                      of this base, and advocating       work programs that perhaps
            OEF/OIF              change him. He seems like a           “He’s someone who’s very        that further into an already very  they don’t have the expertise in
      (SOCAL VETS)               very humble person.”               by-the-book and concerned          supportive community, that         or the time to learn how to ful-
     SCHOLARSHIPS                                                   with what Air Force Instruc-       moving his goals forward will      ly execute, and do their job as
                                    Muncy’s goals remain the        tions have to say about matters,”  still be challenging.              commanders. This is especially
         AVAILABLE               same as they did when his com-     said Reinholz, an active duty                                         true for our traditional Reserve
   Full scholarships are avail-  mand began here in November        JAG assigned here to support a        “There is going to be con-      commanders. We really need to
able to Southern California      2013—to highlight the impor-       Reserve wing. “As a JAG, you       tinued analysis of personnel
OEF/OIF Veterans to learn        tance of March Air Reserve         really can’t ask for more from     departments,” he said. “There                 See MUNCY page 6
Transcendental Meditation. If    Base, the 452nd Air Mobility       a commander/client. It’s been      are just more personnel bil-
you are interested in reducing   Wing, and all the Air Force,       very smooth, and my expecta-
stress, improving the quality    Army, Navy, Marine and De-         tions from a RegAf (regular Air
of your sleep, and enjoying      partment of Homeland Security      Force) perspective, coming to
better relationships, the David  tenant units associated with this  a Reserve base and a Reserve
Lynch Foundation is offer-       base as well as to grow the base   wing, have been exceeded. It’s
ing a limited number of free     where ever possible.               been a pretty smooth transition.”
courses in the evidence-based
Transcendental Meditation           “I will continue to press,         Moving forward, Muncy sees
(TM) technique to OEF/OIF        publicize, advocate for all the    the operations tempo coupled
veterans in Los Angeles and      aforementioned entities,” Mun-     with the continued manpower
San Diego.                       cy said. “I think this base has    reductions and shortfalls, espe-
   Through a generous grant      not only significant prominence     cially those that are full-time,
from the David Lynch Founda-     in our Air Force history, but      as the biggest challenge here.
tion, you will be able to learn  also is of strategic importance
the technique that has been      to today’s military mission.”         “Not only do they affect day-
proven to relieve symptoms of                                       to-day capability, they start af-
PTSD and major depression,          March ARB’s location situ-      fecting morale as we continual-
and develop greater resilience   ates the base perfectly in line    ly have to manage a work load
to stress. The four-day course   with the renewed focus on the      that is becoming unsustainable
                                 Pacific Theater or Operations.      with the reduced personnel
             See BRIEFS page 3   Muncy noted that Camp Pend-        available to execute that work-
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