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“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen”                                                                 August 2021
                                                                                                                                                  Vol. 20, No. 8

               INSIDE                          Luke hosts 19th Air Force command team

                                                      by Airman 1st Class
                                                        DominiC TYLeR
                                                      56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
             Sharing hidden talents, 2          Maj. Gen. Craig Wills, 19th Air Force
             Weather Flight watches Arizona   commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Kris-
              skies, 3                         tina Rogers, 19th  AF command chief,
             EFMP provides services, support,   engaged with Airmen at Luke Air Force
              care, 4                          Base, June 28-29, to learn first-hand the
             United Through Reading           day to day operations at the 56th Fighter
              program, 5                       Wing.
                                                 Luke AFB is home to the U.S. Air Force’s
             Luke PMEL lab, 6                 F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-35 Light-
             944th FSS top MPF in AFRC, 7     ning II initial training programs. The
             56th CES saves Air Force $1.2    56th FW’s mission is to train the world’s
              million, 8/9                     greatest fighter pilots and combat-ready
             Project SEARCH, 10               Airmen.
                                                 During their visit, Wills and Rogers
                                               toured premier fighter squadrons and

                                                                                                                                          Tech. Sgt. Franklin R. Ramos
                                                                                                                          Maj. Gen. Craig Wills, center, 19th Air
                                                                                                                          Force commander, and Chief Master Sgt.
                                                                                                                          Kristina Rogers, 19th AF command chief,
                                                                                                                          speak with Airmen assigned to the 56th
                                                                                                                          Fighter Wing Fighter Country Spark team
                                                                                                                          about potential innovative initiatives,
                                                                                                                          June 29, at Luke Air Force Base. Leader-
                                                                                                                          ship from the 19th AF visited Luke AFB to
                          Staff Sgt. Collette Brooks                                                                      engage with 56th Fighter Wing members
            ExcEptional Family mEmbEr program                                                                             while gaining a better understanding of
                                  See Page 4                                                                              the successes and challenges faced by
                                                                                                                          the wing. The 56th FW’s mission is to
                                                                                                                          train the world’s greatest fighter pilots
                                                                                                                          and combat-ready Airmen.

                                                                                                                          LEFT: Staff Sgt. Tanner Carden, right,
                                                                                                                          308th Aircraft Maintenance Unit dedicat-
                                                                                                                          ed crew chief, speaks with Wills, center,
              Continue to get Luke’s latest                                                                               and Rogers, left, about the components
              news and information from                                                                                   of an F-35 Lightning II, June 29, at Luke
               these sources: https://www.                                                                                Air Force Base.
                                                                  Airman 1st Class Dominic Tyler
                   and social media            observed base facility improvement proj-  reiterated the importance of producing   “What makes us the world’s greatest Air
                                               ects to include the fitness center, which is   great Airmen.               Force is the never-ending hard work and
                                               currently undergoing a heating, ventila-  “As leaders, our first duty is to prepare   dedication from our Airmen,” said Wills.
                  Luke56thFW      @LukeAFB     tion, and air conditioning system upgrade.   our future leaders,” said Wills. “To be   “We’ve got great Airmen like you who are
                Date of publication            Base officials elected to conduct the proj-  a great leader, you have to be a great   willing to step up and lead to make the
                                                                                    follower first.  This is something that
                                                                                                                          Air Force stronger each and every day. I
                                               ect in-house by the 56th Civil Engineer
                  First Friday                 Squadron rather than contracting it to an   sometimes gets lost in translation. Great   appreciate all of the great things you do,
                    of the month               outside agency, in a decision projected to   leaders without great followers won’t take   because it makes a huge impact on our
                                               save the Air Force $1.2 million.     us where we need to go.”              mission success. There’s a lot of mean-
               Submission deadline               “The Air Force should always be a work   Throughout the visit, Wills recognized   ing behind being coined, so I hope when
            15th day of the month              in progress,” said Wills. “Projects such   several 56th FW Airmen for their dedica-  you reflect back on this time in your life,
           prior to date of publication        as the gym’s HVAC upgrade show our   tion and contribution to the mission and   you remember this great team you were
                                               dedication to improving quality of life and
                                                                                                                          a part of.”
                                                                                    expressed his gratitude for their service.
                Veterans                       achieving readiness goals. There’s always   behind that coin, you have 31,999 other   FW, is responsible for the  training  of
                                                                                                                            The 19th AF, which oversees the 56th
                                                                                      “Today I want you to remember that
                                               room for improvement, and it’s up to all
                                                                                                                          military students annually, in a variety of
                                                                                    you,” said Wills. “Just like you, your fel-
                   Tell us Your Story          of us, as Airmen, to identify areas where   Airmen in the 19th  Air Force beside   more than 30,000 U.S. and international
                                               we need to improve as an Air Force and
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees    equally importantly, to do our part to   low Airmen came to work today to give   specialties ranging from manned aircraft
           All military branches are included  move the Air Force forward.”         their best to make our Air Force and our   aircrews, remotely piloted aircraft crews,
            Email name, phone number and a       The 19th  AF commander met with    country better — to try and get the mis-  air battle managers, weapons directors,
           brief description of your service to  squadron commanders  and chiefs over   sion done. Your brothers and sisters in   Air Force Academy Airmanship programs,
                 breakfast, where they discussed how to be   arms are counting on you to continue to   and Survival, Escape, Resistance and
                                               an effective leader in the Air Force. Wills   do the same.                 Evasion specialists.
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