Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, April 1, 2022
P. 3

D e s D e r e t s e l r i g t h l i t g n h i n t n g i n n g e w n s e ws . s n s e . v n A e D v A A D A n e n w e w s s A p r i A l 1 p , r 2 i l 0 1 2 , 2 2 0 2 3 2 3 w w w w . a w e r w o . t a e e c r h o n t e e c w h s n . c e o w m s . / c n o e ml l i / s n a e f l b l i s a f b F a c e b F a o c o e k b . c o o o m k . / c N o e m l l / i s N D e e l l s i e s Dr t e L s i g e h r t t L n i g i n h g t Nn i e n w g s N e w s
Air ForAceirpFhoorcteogprhaopthogbryaMpheabgyaMneHaagnanoHnannon MemMbemrsboefrsthoef 5th52en5d52MnadinMteaninatnecneanSqceuaSdqruoandproenrfporemrfoprrme-pflrigeh-ftlicghetcckhseocnksthoenirthUe.Sir. UA.iSr .FAoircFeoEr-c3eAES-3eAntSreynatirycraifrtcrdaufrtindgurRinegd RFeladgF2la2g-12a2t-1NeatlliNs eAlliirsFAoircFeoBrcaeseB, aNsev, .NFeovr. For RedRFeladgF2la2g-22, 2th-2e, 9th6e5t9h6A5tirhbAorirnbeoArnireCAoinr tCronl tSrqoulaSdqruoandurosnedusaendEa-3noEu-3tfoitutetfditwteidthwtihteh DthReADGROANGmONodmifiocdaitfiiocna,tiaon,uapndautpedtaotethteo athveioanviciosndiicsspdlaiyspsltaoysmtoremmoroedmerondgelranssglass e q u i e p q m u e i p n m t , e c n o t m , c b o i n m e b d i n w e i d t h w a i t c h o ma c m o u m n m i c u a t n i i o c n a s t i n o e n t s w n o e r t k w u o p r k g r u a p d g e r a t o d e t h t e o a t h i r e c r a a i f r t c ’ s r a d f a t ’ t s a d - l a i n t a k - s l i y n s k t e s my s . t e T o m g . e T t o h g e e r t t h h e e r y t b h e r i y n g b r a i n h g i g a h h e i r g d h e e g r r d e e e g o r e f e s i t o u f a s t i i t o u n a a t i l o a n w a a l r a e w n a e r s e s n t e o s t s h t e o f t r h o e n f t r o n t
of thoef jtehte, ajes tw, aesllwaselel nahs aencheadncsuerdvsivuarbvivliatybidliutye dtouethteoirthaebiirliatybitloityditsopdlaiysptlhaey athireaanidr athnrdeatht rpeiactupriectwuritehwgirtehagterer actlearictyla. rity.
    by MbeyaMgeaangHaannHnaonnon TinkeTriAnFkBer,OAFkBla,.Okla.
TheTh96e5t9h6A5tAhCASAwCaSswonaseonfe14ofu1n4itusnits ThisThexeisrceixserwciasesewsapseecsiaplelycimalolynmumoneunm- enc-omcmoamnmdearn,rdecre,nretlcyensptloykseptoktehteostuhcecseussccess fromfroacmroascsrtohses cthoealcitoioanlitcionrecfournecftuionnctiontalfotratlhfoer9t6h5et9h6,a5sthth,aesytwheryewthereefitrhsettfiorsutsteousoef thoefttrhiaeltruianl rouvneroavllearnaldl athnedttehaemtweaomrkwork f o r c e f o s r t c h e a s t t t h o o a t k t p o a o r k t p i n a r R t e i n d R F l e a d g - F N l a e g l - l i N s e 2 l 2 l i - s 2 2 t - h e h t h i g e h h l y i g a h n l t y i c a i n p t a i t c e i d p a D t e R d A D G R O A N G Om N o d m i fi o - d i fi i - t t o o i t k t o t o o k g e t t o t g h e e t r e t h . e r e .
 TheT9h6e5t9h65AthirbAoirnbeorAnier ACiornCtroonltro2l. Th2e. Thexerceixsercpirsoevpidroevsirdeeaslirsetaiclicstoimc cboamt bactatiocnationthteoEth-3e’sEA-3i’rsbAorirnbeoWrnaerWninargnaindg and “Thi“sThis aistiesaamteeaffmoretff,”osrati,d” sAaildlenA.l“leThn.e“The SquaSdqruoandrforonmfroTminkTeirnAkeir AFoircFeoBrcaeseB,aset,raintrinagintihnagttshaavtesalviveessliwvehsilwehinilcereinascirnegasinCgonCtrolnStryoslteSmyssteflmigshfltidgehctkd.eck. 965t9h6g5ethtsgtehtesuthneiquneiqoupeporptpuonrityuntoitybeto be O k l a O . , k p l a u . , t p n u e t w n e e q w u i e p q m u e i p n mt e t o n t t h t o e t t h e s e t t e s c t o m c b o a mt e b ff a e t c e t ff i v e e c n t i e v s e s n , e b s y s , p b r y o v p i d r o i n v g i d a i n i r g - a i r - “ T h e “ T u h p e g r u a p d g e r a i s d e a i f s o r a c e f o mr c u e l mt i p u l l i t e i r p , l i e r t h , e fi t h r s e t fi t o r s u t t t i o l i z u e t i Dl i z R e A D G R O A N G Oa n N d a C n N d U C Na t U a t d u r i d n u g r R i n e g d R F e l a d g F 2 l 2 a g - 2 2 a 2 t - 2 N a e t l l Ni s e A l l i i r s F A o i r r c F e o r c c e r e w c s r t e h w e s e t x h p e e e r x i e p n e c r e i e o n f c me o u f l t mi p u l e l t , i i p n l t e e , n i n s i t v e e n s i v e e n h a e n n c h i n a n g c l i e n t g h a l e l i t t h y a w l i t h y i l we h q u i l e i c q k u e n i c i k n e g n d i n e - g d e a - n e x a e n r c e i x s e e r , c b i u s e t , w b e u a t wr e e h a e r r e e h d e u r e e t d o u t e h t e o h t a h r e d h a r d BaseB, aNsev, .Nev. air caoimr cboamt sboartiseosritnietshienstahfetsyafoeftay torfaaint-rainc-isiocnismioankminagkfionrgcfomr cboamt cboamt cmoamnmdearns,d”ers,w” orkwofrtkeaomf tesamcrsoasscrtohses5t5h2en5d52AnCdWACanWd and
R e d R F e l a d g F 2 l 2 a - g 2 2 r 2 a - n 2 Mr a a n r Mc h a 4 r c - 1 h 8 4 , 2 - 1 0 8 2 , 2 2 . 0 2 2 . i n g e i n n v g i e r o n n v i m r o e n n mt . e n t .
said sTaeicdhT. eScght. DSgatv. iDdaSvtiodckStso, c9k6s5,t9h6A5tAhCASACgSreatgerreaAteir FAoircFe.o”rce.”
NebuNleabfluilgahflt icghitefc.hief. He wHeentwoentonsatyo, “sWay,e“aWreefoaretufonratuentoate to
ThisThhaissbheaesnbaeleonnag-lotenrgm-teprmojepcrto,jaencdt,iatndhitavehtahvebthesetbmesatinmteaninatnecneasnqcueasdqruoand,rtohne, the is noiws ninowitsinfinitaslfisntaglesstaogfedseopflodyemploeynmt. Thente. Thteop otpoeproaptieornastisounpspsourptpsqourtasdqruoand, rpoanr,tnpearstners DRADGROANGmONodm,aondu,apndautpedtoattehteoatvhieonaviciosnicwsithwiniththine trhaeintrinaignginrogugproaunpdaDnedtaDchet-ach- displdaiyssptloayms toremmoroedmerondgelranssgelaqsusiepqmueipnmt, enmt, enmt 6enhte6lphineglpuinsgwuosrkwothrkrotuhgrhousgyhllasbyillabi iscouispcloedupwleitdhwaictohmacmoumnmicuatnioicnastinoentswnoertkworekxeceuxtieocnu,tiaosnw, aesllwaseloluars soiustrersiostpeerroaptieornastions upgruapdgertaodtehteoatihrecraiftrc’sradftat’sa-dlaintak-lsiynsktesmys.temg.rougprosquupasdqruoandsrwonhsowhoorkwworikthwuisthdauislydaily TogeTthogeretherytbhreiyngbrainhgigahherigdheegrrdeegorfeseitouf-situt-o entsouernesmuraexmimauxmimturmaintirnaginoingthoenjtehtse. jets. ationaatiloanwaalraewnaersesntoestshteoftrhoentfrofntthoefjteht,eajset,as “The“9Th65et9h6i5stjhusitsajussmtalslmparlltpoafratnoefna-nen- w e l l wa s e e l l n a h s a e n n c h e a d n s c u e r d v s i v u a r b v i i l v i a t y b i d l i u t e y t d o u t e h t e o i r t h e i t r i r e 5 t 5 i r 2 e n 5 d 5 A2 n C d WA Ce ff Wo r e t ff t o o r ‘ B t r t o i n ‘ Bg r t i h n e g F t u h t e u F r ue ’ t u r e ’ a b i l i a t y b i t l o i t d y i t s o p l d a i y s p t h l a e y a t i h r e a a n i d r a t h n r d e a t h t p r e i c a t t u p r i e c t u r t e o A Wt o A A C W S A . I C t S i s . I a t t i o s t a a l t o f o t a r c l e f o e r ff c o e r e t ff , o f r r o t m, f r o m withwgirtehatgerreactlaerictyla. rity. activaecdtiuvteydtuotoyutor coiuvrilciaivnilpianrtnpaerst,nwerhsi,cwhhich
Lt. CLot.l.CToelr.rTanercreanAclelenA,ll9e6n5,t9h6A5tAhCASAChSasehnaasbelnedaboleudrgorueragtrseuactcseussc.c”ess.”
A U.SA. AUi.rSF. AorirceFoEr-c3eAES-e3nAtSryenatircyraifrtcarwafatiatswiatsitcsrietswcdreuwrindgurRinedg FRleadgF2l2a-g12a2t-N1ealtliNs AelilrisFAorirceForce BaseB, aNsev,.NRevd. RFeladgFglaivgesgiaviercsraeiwrcsreawnsoapnporptpunoirtyuntoityextoperxiepnecreienadcevaandcveadn,credle,vraenletv, ant, andarenadlisretiaclicsotimccboamt-lbikaet-sliktueastitounastiionnascinonatcrolnletrdoellendvireonnvmiroenmtteonitntcoreinasceretahseirthabeirlitaybility t o c o t mo c p o l e m t e p l m e t i e s s mi o n i s s s i a o n n d s a s a n f d e l s y a r f e e t l y u r r n e t h u o r n m h e o . I m t a e l . s I o t a p l r s e o p p a r r e e p s a m r e a s i n m t e a n i n a t n e c n e a p n e c e r s p o n e r n s e o l n , n e l , g r o u g n r d o u c o n n d t c r o o l n l e t r r o s , l l s e p r a s c , s e p a a n c d e c a y n b d e c r y o b p e e r r o a p t o e r r s a t t o o r s s u t p o p s o u r p t p t h o o r t s t e h m o s i s e s mi o n i s s s i w o n i t s h w i n i t t h h i e n s t a h m e e s a m e
  Air ForAceirpFhoorcteogprhaopthogbryaMpheabgyaMneHaagnanoHnannotnactitcaclteicnavlireonnvmiroenmt. ent.
COCNOTNATCATC: TE:dEitdoitroiarliaSltaSfftaaffta3t3343-741-781-385-30590•9E•-ME-aMila: iel:deitdoitro@ra@eareortoectehcnhenwesw.cso.cmom

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