Page 20 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, Sept. 1 2017
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20 September 2017 News
yourself?” Next, listen sincerely and care for the person. Finally, never leave a suicidal person alone. Instead, escort the person to someone who can help, whether you take your friend to help or call the help to you. Listed below are the agencies and resources that can provide you with additional education and assist you and your fellow Airman in building your resiliency and preventing suicide.
Check out the You Matter license plate resource link at for all the links and contact information to each of Luke’s helping agencies.
Additional resources
National Sleep Foundation: http://www.
USDA’s Choose My Plate (New Food Guide Pyramid):
Real Warriors Campaign: 866-966-1020 -
Wellness Resources for the Military Com- munity
Medal of Honor: http://www.medalof-
Defense Centers of Excellence for Psycho- logical Health & Traumatic Brain Injury:
Human Performance Resource Center: http://humanperformanceresourcecenter. org/
Military OneSource: 800-342-9647 - www.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255) - www.suicidepreven-
Courtesy of 56th Medical Group
STREET BEAT (from Page 17)
Aug. 2: SFS responded to a report of a medical emergency at the AAFES Shoppette entrance. An individual had fallen and the head hit pavement. Patient was treated and released on scene.
Aug. 15: SFS responded to a Medi- cal Emergency at Building 636. The Patient had was found face down with lacerations on head. The Patient was transported to Abrazo West.
Aug. 15: SFS responded to a report of a medical emergency at the satellite pharmacy. The patient had fallen and sustained a cut lip. The patient was treated on scene and released.
Aug. 18: SFS responded to a report of a medical emergency at the Army, Air Force Exchange Service Shop- pette parking lot. A civilian drank alcohol and took Adderall, which re- sulted in suicidal ideations. Glendale police took control. Drug parapherna- lia was found in the patient’s vehicle. The patient was transported to an off-base agency.
Alarm activations
SFS responded to 22 alarm activa- tions on base.
Tip of the week
Remember to turn on headlights in hours of darkness and inclement weather.
Courtesy of Senior Airman Jared Whitaker, 56th SFS
SUICIDE (from Page 7) 4. Adopt the belief that things can always
get better
1. Get an adequate amount of sleep for physical and mental rejuvenation
2. Invest in nutrition and learning about foods that can positively affect your energy, mood and mental status
3. Take some time to exercise each day to reduce stress and help alleviate anger and anxiety
4. Reduce the use of substances such as caffeine and tobacco as they can add to your stress level
1. Examine your core values and sense of purpose and commitment – are you living in accordance with your values?
2. Identify supportive individuals in your spiritual community that are available for counseling and guidance
3. Engage in fellowship, meditation, or prayer
4. Take time often to reach outside of your- self and “give back” or help others as it builds character and helps put things into perspective for your own life
1. Surround yourself with supportive and positive friends
2. Find a mentor to provide personal and professional guidance
3. Join a group that interests you
4. Stay connected to family and friends Even the most resilient of us can start
to get overwhelmed with problems and life challenges. Be on the lookout for warn- ing signs and risk factors for suicide. It is important for us to have the knowledge, courage and initiative to identify within ourselves or in other individuals who may be overwhelmed, and to intervene.
Be aware of the warning signs:
• Threatening or talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself
• Looking for ways to kill oneself by seek- ing access to firearms, pills or other means
• Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide
• Feeling hopeless
• Feeling rage, uncontrolled anger, or
seeking revenge
• Acting reckless or engaging in risky
• Feeling trapped — like there’s no way out • Increasing alcohol or drug use
• Withdrawing from friends, family and
• Feeling anxious and agitated
• Being unable to sleep or sleeping all the
• Experiencing dramatic mood changes
• Seeing no reason for living or having no
sense of purpose in life
If you or someone you know is in immedi-
ate danger or exhibits any of the above signs, don’t hesitate to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or go to the nearest emergency room. Use the ACEmodel,ASK,CARE,ESCORT.First,ask the question, “Are you feeling suicidal?” or “Are you having thoughts of wanting to hurt
Special U.S. Military rateS
In honor of the brave men and women who serve this country, Out of Africa
is proud to offer special military rates on general admission. The discout applies to active U.S. active duty military, U.S. cadets, and veterans. Must show proper I.D. at our admission gate (DD214 or State Veterans ID card), whether ticket is purchased at the park or online. Please note that no additional discounts apply.
It’s Your Day.
We Have Your Back.
45 minutes north of anthem in camp Verde, aZ 3 miles west of i-17 on Hwy 260
Family members of active and retired military can receive military discount with
proper ID such as a DD Form 1172-1 or DD Form 1173.
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