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Volume 16, Number 11                                                  Published in the interest of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin community •   November  2020
          Waiver Approved: TK - 6th grade to return to                                                                                Inside

          in-person classes                                                                                                       Co-parenting

                           By Janell J. Lewis Ford

                      NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs
            FORT IRWIN, Calif. — On Oct. 28, the Silver Valley Uni ed
          School District noti ed teachers and families that a waiver has been
          approved for elementary and intermediate students to return to in-
          person instruction in a hybrid model.
            “We anticipate Monday, Nov. 9 as the  rst day back for students,”
          the  ier states.
             e district has completed 13 weeks in a Distance Learning model
          and the district superintendent is praising everyone for their hard work.                                      How Chaplains are helping the growing
            “I am proud of our students, sta , and our community for persever-                                           number of blended families in the military.
          ing through this di cult time,” SVUSD superintendent, Jesse Najera                Courtesy of Silver Valley Uni ed School District  See full story, Page 2
          said. “ e percentage of students that are consistently engaging in our
          program is very high.”                                 campuses would continue over several weeks, following strict health   Thanksgiving at NTC
            On Oct. 8, Najera announced that although the district does not  protocols to ensure the safety of students and sta .
          meet the requirements to bring back all students full-time, SVUSD   Teachers, parents and students will receive more detailed informa-
          has already invited small cohorts of students with speci c needs for  tion about what the hybrid model of in-person elementary classes will
          in-person instruction.                                 look like soon.
            Schools are not permitted to open for full, in-person instruction   A reminder that Silver Valley High School conducts live updates on
          until they’re in the red tier for 14 days, with no increase in COVID-19  their Facebook page each Monday at 12:30 p.m. on
          cases or positivity rates.                             SilverValleyHS. During the Oct. 19 update, 1st Quarter PBIS Golden
            With the waiver approval, 7th through 12th graders must continue  Ticket winners were announced and prizes included a 15-inch HP
          distance learning but the introduction of small groups returning to  Laptop, two Chromebooks and two $50 dollar gift cards.

          NTC’s Community Update ad-                                 Halloween 2020 at NTC/Fort Irwin                     The holiday meals available on post.
                                                                                                                                               See full story, Page 4
          dresses new General Order,                                                                                               Job Hunting

          Opportunity Leave

                      Story and Photo by Janell J. Lewis Ford
                        NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs
            FORT IRWIN, Calif.  —
          Brig. Gen. David Lesperance
          addressed topics ranging from
          COVID-19 and a safe Op-                                                                                         How to reserve your spot for an
          portunity Leave, to installation                                                                                upcoming job fair for military spouses.
          renovations and race talks                                                                                                         See full story, Page 11
          during his Sept. 30 and Oct.
          28 Facebook Live Updates to                                                                                        More Legal Assistance
          the community.                                                                   Casey Slusser, Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs
            “Yes, we’re still operating with a lot of safeguards and it’s because of
          you that the case rates continue to be low,” he said.               NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs
          New General Order
            Lesperance signed a new General Order on Oct. 27, telling viewers that    is year Halloween at the National Training Center and Fort
          Opportunity Leave over the holidays would be in full e ect. Lesperance   Irwin consisted of three Trunk or Treats and a drive-in movie,
          said he doesn’t see anything that would hinder it, as it appears soldiers and   all on one night. But Halloween wasn’t celebrated on Oct. 31,   The new services now provided by the
          families acted safely during their October Opportunity Leave.  Fort Irwin families enjoyed events on Oct. 29.   legal o ce.

                                               See COMMUNITY, Page  12                              See HALLOWEEN, Page 6                     See full story, Page 8

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