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Special mission aviator                                                                                                                                         Vol. 65 No. 36
                                                                                                                                                         September 11, 2015
earns coveted award
                                                                                                                                    U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Thomas Spangler
By Senior Airman Thomas Spangler                     him into the hospital. A couple of months later, we
                                                     were doing a regular medivac of transferring a pa-
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs                    tient to Bagram (Air Base). While at the hospital we
                                                     ran into that Afghan solider who had taken a round
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Staff Sgt.          through the head. He survived and was learning to
Sven Raemer, a special mission aviator assigned to   walk and talk again. That was pretty cool.”
the 34th Weapons Squadron, was recently awarded
the Staff Sgt. Henry “Red” Erwin Outstanding En-        According to his award citation, Raemer flew 127
listed Aircrew Member Airman of the Year Award.      combat hours over 86 missions where his technical
                                                     expertise and airmanship led to the recovery of 64
   The annual award is given to an enlisted aircrew  casualties from the battlefield.
member for their outstanding accomplishments
related to flight activities, how their leadership      In addition to his actions while deployed, Raemer
abilities impact unit members, and what actions the
Airman has taken for self-improvement through        ________________ See AWARD, on page 3
education and training.
                                                     Staff Sgt. Sven Raemer, 34th Weapons Squadron special
   As a special mission aviator, Raemer mans a .50   mission aviator, stands next to a .50 caliber machine
caliber machine gun on an HH-60G Pave Hawk or        gun mounted on an HH-60G Pave Hawk at Nellis Air
AC-130 Gunship, and is in charge of ensuring the     Force Base, Nev., Sept. 8. Raemer was recently awarded
safety of passengers and equipment before, during    the Staff Sgt. Henry “Red” Erwin Outstanding Enlisted
and after a flight.                                  Aircrew Member Airman of the Year Award for his
                                                     actions in support of Operation Enduring Freedom,
   While serving as a special mission aviator with   showcasing his leadership abilities, and furthering his
the 56th Rescue Squadron, Royal Air Force Laken-     education by working towards a Bachelor’s degree. The
heath, England, from January 2013 to December        annual award is presented to an enlisted aircrew Airman
2013, Raemer deployed in support of Operation        for his or her outstanding accomplishments related to
Enduring Freedom.                                    flight activities, how their leadership abilities impact
                                                     unit members, and what actions the Airman has taken
   “There was an Afghan soldier who had been shot    for self-improvement through education and training.
in the head,” Raemer said. “We landed right away
and picked him up. Less than five minutes later we
were back at the forward operating base and we got

First operational F-35As arrive at Hill AFB

By Micah Garbarino                            Hill’s active duty 388th Fighter Wing    meet tomorrow’s threats,” 388th Fighter      ogy, avionics and sensor fusion, which
                                           and Reserve 419th Fighter Wing will be      Wing commander, Col. David B. Lyons,         allow pilots the flexibility to operate in
75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs          the first combat-coded units to fly and     told the crowd of Airmen and commu-          “contested environments” and strike
                                           maintain the Air Force’s newest fifth-      nity members.                                “tough to reach” targets.
   HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah — The         generation fighter aircraft.
Air Force ushered in a new era of combat                                                  Lyons, who flew one of the F-35s to          Hill has been called the “ideal home”
air power today as Hill AFB received          “Make no mistake, we’re built for this.  Hill from Lockheed Martin’s production       for the F-35 because of its proximity to
the service’s first two operational F-35A  We will deliver the combat capability       facility in Fort Worth, Texas, highlighted
Lightning II aircraft.                     that our nation so desperately needs to     the jets stealth ability, advanced technol-  ___________See F35As, on page 3

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