Page 6 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, May 2022
P. 6
Desert Lightning News
Story and photos by Senior Airman KAitlyn ErgiSh
355th Wing
The 355th Wing is continually enhancing the partnership between Davis- Monthan and the local community, but especially when it comes to fighting fire. Surrounding fire stations from the Tucson area partner with the Davis-Mon- than Fire Department every few months to utilize the fire training grounds. “We get multiple agencies who usually come out; Green Valley, Drexel Heights, Tubac, Davis-Monthan and sometimes we have Silver Bell or the Air and Army National Guard firefighters,” said Joseph Brian, Green Valley and Drexel Heights Fire District training captain. “Since we don’t have our own training facilities, we use these training grounds to practice residential
and commercial structure fire scenarios.”
The relationship between both DM and nearby fire stations has proven to
be positively impactful, ultimately strengthening the interoperability in the local first responder community.
“The first time to meet each other isn’t during an emergency,” said Darren Felish, 355th Civil Engineer Squadron assistant chief of training. “In the last 45 days, the relationship between the base and the local community has proven invaluable when we dually responded to two on-base fires and one off-base fire.”
DM has hosted 10 outside agencies and more than 400 personnel through the Regional Fire Training Center, resourcing these training grounds to com- plete auto extrication scenarios, live fire burns and the Emergency Vehicle Operators Course, to name a few.
“We’re very appreciative of Davis-Monthan and the U.S. Air Force for let- ting us train out here,” said Brian. “Allowing us do this helps build teams that are going to perform efficiently and save lives.”
“DM benefits greatly through community partnership with veteran civilian firefighters and departments from neighboring communities,” said Felish. “All agencies gain strategies and tactics from each other’s firefighting experiences, that ultimately can save a life.”
Captain John Conger from the Tubac Fire District carries a hose into a simulated residential structure building at the fire training grounds on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, April 13, 2022. Because some fire districts don’t have their own training facilities, they partner with the Davis-Monthan Fire Department every few months to utilize the training grounds to practice various fire drills.
Photo F
Local firefighters from the Green Val than Air Force Base, Arizona, April 1
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