Page 16 - 2022 IHSVCA Indiana All-Star Program
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2022 IHSVCA 1A/2A North Senior All-Stars
Jade Stumbo
5'11, Middle Hitter
Wabash High School, Coach Katie Cromer
Parents: Kent and Chelsie Montgomery
Favorite Quote: “Talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence wins championship.” - Michael Jordan. Hobbies: volleyball, basketball, track, and dance team sports wise. Outside of sports I love to participate in modeling, photography, attending sports events
Future Plans: Play Volleyball at Central State University
Hero: My mom is my hero because I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. She has always been there for me, believed in me, and supported me more than anyone ever. FavoriteHSVolleyballMemory:BeatingPioneer,the#4rankedteamin2ainsectionals22-23season.Wespent weeks uptothegamepracticingandworkingonwhattheywerelike,whatwasopen,whotoserveto,andwhoto pickapart.It wassuchasurrealmomentforallofus.Laterthatdaywecamebackandplayedforthesectional championshipand won.Thebestmomentofthatnightwasourpoliceescortbackintoourtownandallofthe parentsfollowingbehind the bus honking their horns and all of us hanging out of the bus!
Ashlee Schram
6'3, Middle Hitter
Tipton High School, Coach Melissa Henry
Parents: Peter Schram and Becky Spencer
Favorite Quote: “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” -Aristotle
Hobbies: Basketball, Volleyball, high school football and basketball games, listening to music.
Future Plans: Attend IU South Bend Hero:Mymombecauseshehasbeenasinglemommajorityofmylife.Shejustrecentlywentbacktoschooland obtained herBSNinNursing.Sheworkedduringtheday,andshetookclassesduringthenight.Sheismyhero becauseshehas always worked hard and pursued her goals.
FavoriteHSVolleyballMemory: Myfavoritevolleyballmemorywasgettingmy1,000thkill.Iwasthefirstvolleyball player toeverrecord1,000kills.acareermilestonewithsomeofmybestfriendsisavolleyballmemorythatIwill neverforget. Tome,itwasn'taboutsettingarecord,butitwasabouthavingthesupportandtheteamthathelped mereachit.
Macie Bowden
5'7, Setter
Wapahani High School, Coach Kati Weir
Parents: Ellen and Shawn Bowden
Favorite Quote: “Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” -Micheal Jordan
Hobbies: Spending time with my family and friends, dance, and listening to music.
Future Plans: Uncommitted but plans to play volleyball at the collegiate level
Hero: My hero is my parents. My parents have always had my back and have taught me to never give up. Without them I would not be where I am today.
Favorite HS Volleyball Memory: Winning a state championship with my best friends this past year.
Mandee Weisenburger
5'11, Outside Hitter
Pioneer High School, Coach Rod Nies
Parents: Mistine Weisenburger
Favorite Quote: “You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.” -Serena Williams
Hobbies: reading, writing, and drawing
Future Plans: Uncommitted but plans to play volleyball at the collegiate level
Hero: My hero is my mom. She has always worked hard for everything in life and she has sacrificed so much to give me many opportunities that I have today. I hope to make her proud the best that I can.
Favorite HS Volleyball Memory: My favorite memory was winning the 1A State Championship my
sophomore year. That was a day I will always remember and will forever be blessed to have that opportunity.