Page 29 - 2022 IHSVCA Indiana All-Star Program
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2022 IHSVCA 3A-4A South All-Stars #9
Ella Scott
6’1, Middle Hiter
Plainfield High School, Coach Lori Pax
Parents: John and Livia Scott
Favorite Quote: “Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice.” - Mel Robbins
Hobbies: CrossFit, hanging out with friends and family, traveling, reading, watching tv, listening to music, and shipping Future Plans: Play volleyball at Indiana State University
Hero: My Hero is my grandmother. She always worked hard in her career but always made time for family. She made sure to still be at my games and she showed me that hard work truly pays off. She is so smart and she is someone I can always talk to to hear great advice from.
Favorite HS Volleyball Memory: When we were playing a really team and were tied 1-1, in the third set we were down 18-24 and we came back and won that set.
Elle Patterson
6’0, Outside Hitter
Tri-West Hendricks HS, Coach Suzanne Masten
Mother: Suzanne Masten
Favorite Quote: “I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” - Michael Jordan
Hobbies: Her hobbies include playing volleyball, hanging out with friends and family, working out, reading, and watching Netflix.
Future Plans: Attend Fairfield University and play volleyball
Hero: My mom is my hero. “When I was little, she is the one who pushed me to play volleyball. She was my first ever volleyball coach and she really is the person who got me to where I am today. She pushes me every day on and off the court to get uncomfortable and become a better person. I don’t know what I would do without her in my life.”
Favorite HS Volleyball Memory: My favorite memory is starting off my junior season 16-0 and then moving on to winning the first round of regionals the first round of regionals and everyone coming back to my house and preparing for our elite 8 game against Brebeuf.
Quinci Thomas
6'1, Outside Hitter
Brownsburg High School, Coach Katie Maples
Parents: Amy Brauman, Richard Thomas
Favorite Quote: “Know your role, do your job.
Hobbies: Singing, painting, shopping, spending time with friends and family and playing volleyball
Future Plans: Play volleyball at the Xavier University
Hero: My brother is my hero. He is the hardest worker I know and never gives up on what he is doing. He is also one of my biggest supporters and is always there for me and pushes me to be better.
Favorite HS Volleyball Memory: One of my favorites was winning sectionals my sophomore year. Brownsburg had not won a sectional since 1989 so it was so exciting we made history! We then won the first game in regionals and finished in the elite 8 in the State. It has also been fun to play with my sister who has been the setter the last two years and win sectionals three years in a row!
Ella Chapman
6'4, Middle Hitter
Greensburg High School, Coach June Rigney
Parents: Chris Chapman, Brenda Chapman
Favorite Quote: “Be Better.” –June Rigney
Hobbies: Spending time with friends, DECA, JDC, Link Crew, attending school sporting events, reading, and working out
Future Plans: Play volleyball at Florida Gulf Coast University
Hero: My hero is my mom because she has been so supportive throughout my volleyball career. She has been at every tournament since I have been in 5th grade. She is always eager to drive me to practice and willing to do anything for me. Favorite HS Volleyball Memory: Eating out as a team the night before the regional match. We ate great food and bonded with the team and coaches. We spent a lot of time laughing about memories we had made that season.