Page 43 - 2022 IHSVCA Indiana All-Star Program
P. 43
2022 IHSAA Volleyball State Finals
1A State Runner-Up
Tecumseh High School
IHSAA 1A Mental Attitude
Brianna Marx, Tecumseh
IHSAA 2A Mental Attitude
Reese Baker, Wapahani HS
IHSAA 3A Mental Attitude
Grace Purchia, Providence HS
IHSAA 4A Mental Attitude
Avery Hobson, HSE
1A State Champion
FW Blackhawk Christian
2A State Runner-Up
Linton-Stockton High School
2A State Champion
Wapahani High School
3A State Runner-Up
Bellmont High School
3A State Champion
Providence High School
4A State Runner-Up
Yorktown High School
4A State Champion
Hamilton Southeastern HS
Photos courtesy of the IHSAA