Page 1 - LRCC 2023 Legislative Policy Agenda
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2023 Legislative

            Agenda &

            Policy Guide

        MISSION                                                 LRCC POLICY COMMITTEE
        Making the Greater Lansing region the best              The Lansing Regional Chamber Policy Committee exists
        place to do business in Michigan.                       to both guide and advance LRCC legislative priorities.
                                                                The LRCC Policy Committee reviews issues pertaining to
        The Lansing Regional Chamber works with                 the current priorities and works to encourage members
        business leaders, community members, and                to engage in action.
        officials from every level of government to
        collaboratively influence and support initiatives,
        legislation, and regional investment that will          2023 LRCC POLICY
        strengthen and move the Greater Lansing                 COMMITTEE MEMBERS
        region forward.                                         Matt Resch, Resch Strategies
                                                                Ben Miller, Comcast
        PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEAM                                     Bill Kimble, c2ae

        Steve Japinga                                           John Truscott, Truscott Rossma
        Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Department        Joe Ford, Netvantage Marketing                             Jeff Smith, MSU Foundation
        517-487-6340 | 517-449-3732, Cell)                      Kevin McKinney, McKinney & Associates
        Sarah Bakken                                            Jamie White, White Law PLLC
        Talent Development Manager                              Scott Ammon, Ammon Lynch Pence Group                              John Shaski, Sparrow Health System
                                                                Jim Hunsanger, MSUFCU
        POLICY COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP                             Doug Mains, Honigman LLP
                                                                Rebecca Bahar-Cook, Capital Fundraising Associates
        Policy Committee Chair                                  Charles Hauser, Granger Waste Services
        Amy Scoby, The Christman Company
                                                                Becky O’Connell, Lake Trust Credit Union
        Policy Committee Vice-Chair                             Monique Field-Foster, Warner Norcross + Judd LLP
        Ben Bakken, Tri-Star Trust                              Art Miller III, AF Group
                                                                Ernest Tisdale, EduStaff
                                                                Joel Conn, Friedland Industries, Inc.
                                                                Megan Doherty, F.D. Hayes Electric
                                                                Katherine Japinga, Capital Region International Airport
                                                                John Sellek, Harbor Strategic Public Affairs
                                                                Michelle Lantz, Greater Lansing Food Bank
                                                                Kwafo Adarkwa, ITC Holdings
                                                                Christin Nohner, Kelley Cawthorne
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