Page 30 - IP-HANDBOOK-07-2018
P. 30

What are original works?
A work is original if it is the expression of an indivi- dual creation. Only original works can be protected by copyright. Copyright protection covers the par- ticular format in which ideas or information have been expressed. It does not cover the idea itself, facts or concepts, public domain banalities or mere craftsmanship.
• Images
• Website content • Training materials • The annual report • Photographs
• etc.
Copyright protects the creativity in the choice and arrangements of words, musical notes, shapes, co- lors, images, algorithms, etc.
In your daily work you may be creating or using works protected by copyright, when you develop or integrate in campaigns:
• Marketing and advertising materials
• Packaging, POS material
• TV Spots
Some works may have several copyright owners and/or need the permission to use others’ work to complete their own. For example, in a movie there will be at least copyright to :
• The screenplay and the underlying works (e.g. novel, theater play, etc.)
• Work of the producer
• The music
Original (Protected)
For internal use only
Not original(Free to use)
When developing creative materials by yourself or through a contracted agency make sure that it is an original creation . If this is not the case, you may need to seek authorization from the author of the materials used and to pay a license fee. Copying copyrighted materials or materials similar to them is an infringement and can make the company liable for costs and damages and bring serious damages to the company’s reputation.
At minimum we need to get usage rights through writ- ten agreement for unlimited, unrestricted and worldwide usage.

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