Page 92 - TITLES FOR WORK I NEVER MAKE i go to disneyland alone
P. 92
Alan and I don’t fight often but when we do we generally retreat to our respective corners and pout. I love mowing the lawn. It’s become my favorite summer activity as I swerve the John Deere making patterns in the grass. Once, as I was mowing a path in Alan’s field of daffodils, I must have run over a few flowers.* Later that day I noticed one of my rose bushes was drastically pruned. At first, I thought a deer had eaten it. But thinking that wasn’t possible, I asked Alan about it. His response was “Now you know how I feel about having my flowers destroyed!” Alan is never this angry or ever vindictive (I’m the passive-aggressive) but it wasn’t the first time I’d been careless. Neither of us was in agreement at who was more to blame. He cared about his daffodils; I cared about my roses.
(happily, both of our flowers grew back the next year)
The next day, before I was leaving for work, I changed all the computer passwords without telling him. It was my last effort to not agree, before we agreed to let bygones be bygones. Lesson learned: figure out how to be more direct when fighting, assign each person areas to mow and don’t share a computer.