Page 107 - Knowledge Organiser Yr9 24-25
P. 107

 Knowledge Base: PSHRE Personal Relationships Year 9 | SpringYTeearm9
      3. What does the law say about sexual consent?
   3.1 What does ‘capacity to give consent’ mean?
‘Whether a person has the mental skills needed to process information to make decisions and has the ability to understand the meaning, consequences or implications of their decisions.’ This includes a mental disorder, age, intoxication.
   3.2 What does ‘freedom to give consent’ mean?
‘He/she is in a position to make the choice freely’. A person must have the freedom to consent’. No coercion, threats or intimidation.
   3.3 What does ‘consent is not given or withdrawn’
Law – a person has the right to withdraw consent at any time before or during sex/sexual activity.
   3.4 What does ‘consent’ mean?
‘He/she agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice’. Law – non-consensual sex or sexual activity is an offence.
  1. Relationships
1.1 respect
1.2 boundaries
1.4 consent
1.5 conflict
When you take into account other people’s feelings, wishes and rights. Guidelines, rules and limits a personhas tomake them feel safe.
Asking for and giving permission freely.
Disagreement between two people or groups of people.
   Ownership of personal space and keeping feelings or thoughts to yourself.
  risky behaviour
  These are actions that potentially expose people to harm, or significant risk of harm.
   peer pressure
   The pressure to behave in a certain way because friends or people in a group expect it.
     2. Relationship questions
   2.1 What does a healthy relationship look like?
Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other's independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions.
   2.2 What are examples of unhealthy coping strategies?
Self-harm and eating disorders.
   2.2 What does an unhealthy relationship look like?
Lying, cheating, jealousy, and disrespect are signs of an unhealthy relationship. So is trying to control a partner. That includes: keeping track of where they are and who they hang out with.
   2.3 How do I break up respectfully?
• Think over what you want and why you want it.
• Even if the other person might be hurt by your decision, it's OK to do what's right for you. • Think about what you'll say and how the other person might react.
• Have good intentions.
• Be honest — but not brutal.
• Say it in person.
• If it helps, confide in someone you trust.
    Am I in a healthy relationship?
Childline – friends, relationships and sex
How to break up respectfully – Do’s and don’ts.
  Childnet – help and advice for 11-18’s

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