Page 7 - St Mary Le Park Court Proposal
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Procedures and Time Frames for Complaint Resolution
Our complaint procedure is contained within our Customer Service Charter and outlines a staged process, stipulated by ARMA Q in accordance with their Consumer Charter and Standards. It is also the approved redress mechanism approved by the regulatory board of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) of which we are a member  rm.
Where a resolution cannot be resolved through this process, the Ombudsman Service (Property) provides a free and independent service and have been approved by the O ce of Fair Trading (OFT).
After Hours Service
The Customer Service team are available during our o ce hours of 8.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Friday. A dedicated phone number will connect leaseholders and Directors to named contacts.
We o er an established and e ective out-of-hours service which we outsource to Adiuvo. They have details of all our emergency contractors on a scheme by scheme basis and are able to contact Property Managers when necessary.
Breaches of Lease Covenants and Antisocial Behaviour
It is a key responsibility of the Managing Agent to review the leases and fully understand the speci c covenants. Breaches such as short term sub-letting, storing items in communal areas, unauthorised pets and parking issues need to be reported, recorded and the legal agreements enforced. In order to facilitate this process we have a policy procedure in place which has proven to be e ective on schemes we manage. Equally, if deemed appropriate we can produce a guide using lease extracts to assist in education on site.
4.3 Health, Safety and Compliance
Health, Safety and Compliance need to be considered as a priority to ensure the protection of all stakeholders. It is important to be able to demonstrate that the landlord’s obligations are being met or that all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure safety on the development. This is a Managing Agent’s responsibility, in association with the Directors.
A full review of health, safety and compliance at St Mary Le Park Court will be a priority.
Mainstay has adopted BS OHSAS 18001 as a framework for our occupational health and safety management system. Our in house Health, Safety and Compliance teams are based at our Worcester o ce and are suitably quali ed to enable them to conduct their duties with due regard to the wellbeing of themselves and others and all training is regularly updated.
At development level, Mainstay assumes the role of the ‘Responsible Person’ or ‘Duty Holder’ ensuring that the requirements of the primary legislation, other statutory regulations and Approved Codes of Practice (ACoPs) are met with a proactive approach to statutory compliance and planned maintenance regimes.
We undertake risk assessments on all managed properties. A regular programme of audits completed by the Property Manager, our central Health and Safety Team, and by our external OHSAS 18001 accreditation body ensures ongoing compliance and where applicable, that appropriate corrective action is implemented.
Mainstay Management Proposal: St Mary Le Park Freehold Limited

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