Page 104 - Knowledge Organiser Yr8 24-25
P. 104

                                 Knowledge Base: Mathematics TOPIC 23: Transformations Year 8 | Summer Term 2
By the end of this topic you should be able to:
• Translatea2Dshapeanddescribethetransformation
• Reflect a 2D shape and describe the reflection
• Rotate a 2D shape through 90° and 180° and describe the rotation
• Enlarge a 2D shape using a given centre of enlargement
Object Image Vertex
The 2D shape to be transformed
The 2D shape after the transformation A corner of a 2D shape
A square has 4 vertices
 A change in the position or size of a shape that follows set rules
 Reflections, rotation, translations and enlargements are all transformations
  The object is slid across the plane using a vector
   The object is flipped over a given mirror line
 The object is turned through a given angle and direction about a fixed point
   A transformation that can change the size of the image
   Centre of enlargement
 Point used to set the position of the image in an enlargement
 Scale (factor)
   The number of times lengths are enlarged
  Important things to remember:
1) Don’t say ’mirrored’ say reflected. Provide the equation of the line of reflection
2) Don’t say ‘turned’ say rotated and provide the angle, direction and centre of rotation
3) Don’t say ‘moved’ say translated and provide the vector
Worked examples

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