Page 116 - History of the STGA
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Another incident at Ffionaphort ferry, I had a group, the Clan Kincaid. I knew the passengers as we had been travelling for 10 days together. I gave out the tickets as the passengers were boarding the ferry and there was one passenger missing.
‘I asked the ferry man to hold on a sec while I ran back up to check the loo, found the missing passenger as we hurried down to the ferry...there it was sailing off with all my Kincaids shouting to everyone’s amusement “you’ve missed the boat Jean!”
‘On another occasion I worked with a Canadian TV film crew who were filming a Christmas special with a Scots born singer called Johnny Reid who is well known in Canada and Nashville. Johnny was born in Overton, Lanarkshire and emigrated with his family when he was a young lad. We visited many places associated with Johnny’s family, in and around Glasgow and I have a vivid memory of helping to carry the filming equipment up the 246 steps to the top of the Wallace Monument!
‘Another Visit Scotland programme I was involved with involved three university students who had asked for help to make a small film for a competition. Their idea was that the male Panda from Edinburgh zoo had escaped, he wanted to visit some of the main attractions around Scotland and he’d send postcards to the female Panda! We borrowed the Panda costume from Edinburgh Zoo on one condition. The person wearing the costume would always be in full costume and keep the head on when in public! This head was very wide and the costume was very hot to wear! We filmed at a Ceilidh, at The Forth Bridge, Stirling Castle, and the Panda played golf at Gleneagles! It was one of the funniest tours I have been involved with!!
‘Lastly I was asked by one of the hotels in Edinburgh to take an American couple on a day tour. I didn’t know till I returned these lovely guests back to the hotel, that the lady was Nancy Pelosi, the American politician!’
Ann’s Greatest ambition
In 2001 STGA stalwart Ann Lister was interviewed by the Guardian for an article about geriatric tourist guides (she was 88 at the time). The article was picked up by Radio Scotland and during the interview in response to ‘Of all the places you have visited, which is your favourite?’ The answer came immediately ‘Edinburgh’. To the question: ‘What is your greatest ambition?’ the answer was without hesitation. ‘To drop down dead on the Castle Esplanade and cause the greatest disturbance possible!’ She was awarded Honorary membership just before she died aged 89 in 2002.
The First Minister wants to come on the coach!
In 2005 BBG Ron Malcolm was outside Bute House in Charlotte Square with a coach load of German visitors when a large car drew up and out came First Minister Jack McConnell.
Ron was just explaining who he was when the First Minister came across to the coach, tapped on the window, came on board and welcomed the astonished German visitors to Scotland!
Guides come to the rescue
By Gail Fotheringham
out on the roads!’
  “During our summer week of training as a Blue Badge Guide on the drive from Beauly to
 Inverness, we turned a corner into a quiet road to see a body lying across it.
 Brakes were slammed on in time and fortunately having Kenny Kerr, Alastair McDermott and
 Ewan Skinner with us (all police trained), between them a diversion was operated,
 ambulance called and the road reopened. It certainly made us aware of what we might face

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