Page 64 - History of the STGA
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During her time as President Jane encouraged worldwide professional training for guides and promoted International Tourist Guide Day. The WFTGA launched International Tourist Guide Day (ITGD) in 1989 in Cyprus. It developed from an initiative by the Cyprus Tourist Guides Association for local residents called Get to know Cyprus. The purpose of the day was to promote professional tourist guides by offering tours to the local community, schools and charities as well as government officials. The STGA immediately became involved with ITGD and the first tours were run in Edinburgh for local and national dignitaries. ITGD has continued to be celebrated most years in Scotland with tours and events run by the local branches as well as by the National Organisation. Jane also designed the World Guide Logo of two hands - 'the hand of friendship and the hand of guidance stretched across the world'.
At each international convention the WFTGA grew and today it has members from more than 100 countries, probably representing well over 200,000 individual tourist guides. The WFTGA’s main purpose is to promote, market and enhance the image of the tourist guide, by being recognised as the professional ambassadors of a region. It encourages only area- specific qualifications and certification. Based on agreed standards the vocational qualification and certification ensures sustainable quality work for tourist guides in all regions and ensures that visitors are offered accurate and professional services.
 To this
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end the WFTGA
Connects professional guides and associations around the world and brings them together through a variety of forums
Promotes standards through a Training Division established in the 1990s which advises, accredits, trains trainers and offers short taster courses and workshops Liaises with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation and Intrenational Congress and is an affiliate member of The Wiorld Tourism Organisation. It also liaises with smaller regional Federations at official level.
Advises on policy making when asked and invited to do so, at international or regional level.
Attends meetings around the world to promote and enhance the image of professional tourist guides (IBTM, WTM...) acting as a unified voice for all, addressing issues which are current to colleagues.
Asks its members to adhere to a universal Code of Ethics, thus providing an assurance of high level of professionalism and a value-added service for their clients:
o Providecareandcommitment,andanobjectiveunderstandingoftheplace visited, free from prejudice or propaganda
o Ensurethatwhatispresentedasfactistrue,andthatacleardistinctionis made between this and stories, legends, traditions, or opinions
o DealfairlyandreasonablywiththosewhoengagetheservicesofTourist Guides and with colleagues working in all aspects of tourism
o Protectthereputationoftourismtreatingtheenvironment,wildlife,sitesand monuments, local customs and sensitivities with respect
o Welcomevisitorsandtobringcredittothecountryvisitedandpromoteitasa tourist destination.
o ShowDutyofCare

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