Page 10 - Oct '18 Newsletter
P. 10

Your Administrative Council News
The Administrative Council had a light load for the September meeting. Prior to the business meeting, we visited briefly with Scoutmaster, Tim Long and Cub Scout Liaison, Kelly Morris. They introduced
new Cub Master Justin Shull and thanked the church for its continued support. First United Methodist of Odessa has sponsored the Boy Scout troop since 1973.
The business meeting included the report that a new furnace was installed on the main level after several possible repairs were pending on the 40+ year old unit. Handrails and non-skid tape are scheduled to be installed on the new ramp.
Charge Conference will be held in Sedalia on October 21st. Reports for the conference were discussed and are nearly completed. Other business included a report from Treasurer Connie Rider on an updated inventory list of the church’s safety deposit box.
There was discussion about the possibility of a free clinic to be held at the church approximately once a month. Several issues remain to be worked out, but the hope is that the clinic will become a reality for all of those who would benefit from the assistance. Information will be released as soon as the details become available.
As always, we invite everyone to attend your church council meetings on the 2nd Tuesday each month. Minutes and financial reports are available in the brochure holder located in the foyer. Please ask yourself how you can serve your church with your prayers, presence, gifts service and witness.

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