Page 1 - Tradd Facilities Overview & Services
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Maximizing efficiencies, productivity & cost benefits

                                                                                             Company Overview

            ▪  Experienced team possessing professional credentials and designations
            ▪  References attesting to our ability to improve efficiencies and cost savings
            ▪  Technology driven

            ▪  Enhance workplace environments
            ▪  Improve efficiencies and accountability
            ▪  Effective communication and status reports
            ▪  Attitudes: responsive, positive, customer oriented

        Computer Maintenance Management Software:
            ▪  Oversight of work orders submitted & Owner approvals
            ▪  Real time access to tasks and work order process of completion

        Management of Employees:
            ▪  Enforce strict discipline and good order among its employees and insure they are well skilled
            ▪  Personnel replacement provided when appropriate or at the request of Owner

                                                                            Maintenance Oversight & Services

        Employment of On-Site Staff:
              Personnel matters: screening, hiring and dismissal, contractual and employment documentation, regular reviews
               and evaluation, accountability
              Payroll, benefits, and worker’s compensation insurance
              Ongoing training and certifications

        Operating and Maintenance:
              Weekly routine inspections, reporting and documentation
              Emergency management and business continuity
              Disaster preparation / recovery
              Web-based work order system and upload evaluation forms
              Oversight of maintenance and troubleshooting of building automation system

        Vendor Management & Oversight:
              Procurement of supplies
              Vendor approval process and insurance verification
              Work order procedure and approval process
              Computer and technical support for web-based platforms

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