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The Jeffrey & Christine Berg Family
In 2006, as a family of four (with two children under the age of six), we came to Or Chadash because we were looking for a spiritual home for our family-- one that would provide a foundation, instill Jewish values, and offer us a community of like-minded learners and enthusiasts for all things Jewish. In 2015, as a family of five (with two teenagers and a 3rd grader), we are still with Or Chadash because this spiritual home has fulfilled our hopes and wishes for our family.
We have joined the Legacy Circle because we want to see the traditions and opportunities that Or Chadash offers remain available for many families to come. There are so many moments that make up our family experience at Or Chadash: from lighting dozens of menorahs at Hanukkah services to playing dozens of games at the Purim carnival; from Sisterhood walks to Brotherhood sukkah construction; from learning the Hebrew alphabet to helping out as teaching assistants; from backyard services to High Holy Day services; from taking field trips to New York and Philadelphia to stretching on yoga mats in the sanctuary; from sitting quietly thinking about Rabbi Joe’s sermon to singing loudly along with Cantor Kathy; from Dylan’s Baby Naming to Jacob’s and Jonatha’s Bar/Bat Mitzvahs to Jacob’s Confirmation.
Perhaps the first momentous occasion for all of our family at Or Chadash was our oldest son’s Bar Mitzvah, a wonderful milestone in January of 2012 that Jacob worked hard to achieve. Reflecting back on the day, we are all smiles to think of the service, family and friends gathering, the party, and the weather (sunny!). At the forefront of the collage of images that come to mind is one of Jacob on the bema, flanked by Rabbi Joe and Cantor Kathy. To us, the image is symbolic of Or Chadash—at your side, offering community, guidance, strength, fun, and a sense of belonging. Not only were we so happy for Jacob, but we were also feeling the confirmation that Or Chadash is the right spiritual home for us. We are in the right place. We have since enjoyed Jonatha’s Bat Mitzvah and Jacob’s Confirmation and look forward to celebrating Dylan’s Bar Mitzvah as well, along with the myriad other positive experiences Or Chadash will offer us as a family in the years to come.

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