Page 23 - Remax Summer 2017 1
P. 23
RE/MAX of Southeastern Michigan
(JANUARY 2017 – MARCH 2017 )
If you are not listed below, please accept our apology and contact the regional office immediately so that we can update ourrecords. AllnamesaretakendirectlyfromiFranchise.
Our membership continues to grow with over 900 agents! Congratulations to all of our Broker/Owners on their hard work and thank you to all Sales Associates who have referred agents to their offices.
RE/MAX Classic
Sabrina Adams Katie Blaskay
Kim Capaldi Kimberly Golich Catarina Jordansson Kevin Kiesel Kimberly Sirian
RE/MAX Cornerstone
Michael Brown Kathy Hansen Stacy Ramsay
RE/MAX Defined
Beth Dever
Emily DeYonker Jackie Hasenfratz Nick McFarlane Albert Parent Alexis Shaw
RE/MAX Dream Properties
Chelsey Draper Ron Mindick Mark Wasserman
RE/MAX Dynamic
Sharlotte Gardner
RE/MAX Eclipse
Gregory Angello Lindsey Broadwell Willie Davis
Cindy Sharp Joshua Turcsak Alexa Venezia
RE/MAX Encore
Christine Borro Misty Morris
RE/MAX First
Nic Aiello Michelle Berlin Joyce Boor
Jim Budziak
Dan Comaianni Andreea Floare Wayne Furtah RE/MAX First Scott Bouis Janette Campbell Dave Dockhorn Emily Leach Shannon Parker Chris Taylor
RE/MAX New Trend
Elizabeth Larsen Patrick Tse
RE/MAX Nexus
Brian Edge
RE/MAX on the Boulevard
Kay McMahon
RE/MAX Partners
Reanen Maxwell Benjamin Rait Paula Rait
RE/MAX Reserve
Fred Clayton Starmania Jackson
RE/MAX Showcase Homes RE/MAX Home Sale Services Sharon Thompson
Suzanne Sadek
RE/MAX Innovation
Christopher Bujaki
RE/MAX Leading Edge
James Berry Ryan Kain Mariah Montanez
RE/MAX Masters
Monica Sullivan
RE/MAX Metropolitan
Julie Perovic Michael Zanlungo
RE/MAX Team 2000
Raad Alawan
RE/MAX Vision
Justin Kerr Kristina Williams