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America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) is
we can
Working together, we will help you exceed your
• Tools are provided, free of charge, to help market your listings, etc.
• We work hard to develop the sales skills and productivity of your agents
• RE/MAX® agents earn more with every sale that includes our warranty
• APHW donates thousands of dollars annually to Children’s Miracle Network
• Our contributions continue to grow each year as our RE/MAX® partnerships expand
the right business partner for RE/MAX® Ofces.
business goals. Contact Jeff Becker to nd out
how we can help you with:
Growing Protability
• AdditionalLegalProtectionforHome
Sellers that list with our RE/MAX® Agents
Agent Retention
• Free support and training workshops
• Additional Legal Protection available in every sale for RE/MAX® Brokers & Agents
• Best RESPA Compliant Revenue Program • Business Partnership Program
• Support for Company Meetings & Events
Risk Management
Jeff Becker
Southeastern Michigan
C: 517.281.7041
Jeff Sebastian
Eastern Michigan
C: 586.922.7423
What Makes Us Different?
Homeowners CHOOSE Their Own Licensed Contractor For All Covered Repairs
Dennis & Mary Lou Steed “Broker/Owners of RE/MAX® Crossroads
We have many choices in all areas of the transaction with whom to align our company. We strive to work with those who are respected in their industry and whose values are similar to ours: Positive, Productive, Protable and Professional. We found that in America’s Preferred Home Warranty, Inc. Their dedication to service, the friendliness and competence of the support staff, the owner’s commitment to Children’s Miracle Network, all combine to make our working relationship strong. Any business is still all about people and relationships. APHW understands this fundamental aspect and that is why we are partnered with them.