Page 1 - history dog
P. 1
A magic shadow.
When I was walking to my house last night, I saw a dirty dog. I tried to touch it, but it
did not allow me. It was a dark and lonely night; it was walking next to me until my
house’s door. I was wetted and dirty because I was working in a farm, I took a
shower, when I left the bathroom a shadow appeared in my room. The shadow was
the dog’s image, I looked around, but I did not see anything. I went out to see if it
was the dog, I saw the dog in front of my house when I got close the shadow crossed
the street.
I followed it until and old house, it was scary and cold, I hid myself behind a wall, but
I listened a noise inside, they were small barks in the distance. the shadow appeared
and it began to push me, I did not feel fear, I felt peace.
I found three puppies in a house room, there was an injured dog, it was the shadow
I have seen before, I called the police and together we rescued the dog’s family. The
three puppies were wrapped in some blankets and the dog was hurt and it was
helped by a veterinarian, the veterinarian did their best, but sadly the dog died. I
adopted the puppies and a shadow always stay with us wherever we go. We all are
a family, me, the puppies and the shadow.