Page 3 - 2018 Annual Report.fwprj
P. 3

 Kendis Paris
Letter from the Executive Director
 In seeking to eradicate modern-day slavery, we recognize that our work here at Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) is one small part of the broader abolitionist movement. We are a node, not a hub ... employing a targeted-systems-change approach, insofar as we are activating a mobile army of transportation professionals to assist law enforcement in the recognition and reporting of human trafficking to aid in the recovery of victims and the arrest of their perpetrators. Every program, presentation and strategic plan TAT makes is focused around changing the structures and dynamics that have enabled human trafficking to flourish within transportation sectors, in the hopes that we will discover and disrupt human trafficking networks.
As always, we are greatly indebted to our partners ... the drivers, survivors, companies, associations, organizations and agencies who are passionate about combating human trafficking within their sphere of influence, and who we could not do this work without. These TAT champions secure internal policy and protocol change and then open up countless doors for TAT to scale. You will read their stories in the pages of this report. They are the connectors who enable TAT to connect the dots from industry to industry, from law enforcement and government to industry and from what we do to the ultimate goal ... ending human trafficking.
Most importantly though, please notice the impact vignettes scattered throughout. At the end of the day, targeted systems change must lead to victim recovery. It is the stories of the actual front-line personnel — the drivers, truck stop employees and law enforcement officers — who are true agents of change and help further the success of the broader abolitionist movement. As always, you inspire and amaze us with your courage, selflessness and care.
Photo Credit: Thomson Reuters Foundation

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