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for certain purposes, removal from the residence hall or restrictions on access to particular buildings or part of campus); provided that the Dean may not suspend or restrict the activities of a student pursuant to these provisions unless the Dean has determined that disciplinary proceedings are reasonably likely to be initiated against the student in accordance with Part III. If disciplinary proceedings are not initiated within the period of suspension, the suspension shall terminate. If disciplinary proceedings are initiated within the period of suspension, at the discretion of the Dean, the suspension may be extended until the hearing.
Summary Procedures of Traffic Violations
The President of the College may in his discretion promulgate a summary procedure for the disposition of violations of traffic regulations in lieu of the formal procedures provided in preceding sections of this Part III.
Disciplinary Records
A. Separate from Academic Records Custody
All records pertaining to disciplinary proceedings in which a student is charged with a violation shall be kept separate from academic records. The Dean of Students shall be sole custodian of all records involving disciplinary proceedings. To this end, all records made or considered by the Honor Council, the Sexual Misconduct Board, the Judicial Committee and the Review Board in disciplinary proceedings before them shall be transmitted immediately upon completion of their proceedings to the Dean for custody. The Honor Council, the Sexual Misconduct Board, the Judicial Committee and the Review Board may make and retain abstracts of their proceedings as aids to the development of precedent, but such abstracts shall be rendered anonymous. The Student Conduct Council shall inspect the records of the Honor Council, the Sexual Misconduct Board, the Judicial Committee, and the Review Board to confirm their anonymity.
B. Accessibility
All disciplinary records shall be accessible as a matter of course only to the affected student (both during and after his/her enrollment), the Dean, and the President of the College. Except under order of court, or when authorized in writing by the student affected, no officer, faculty member, employee, or student may divulge to any other person than to those with access as a matter of course the contents of any student disciplinary record. When authorized in writing by the student affected, the Dean may divulge abstracts of disciplinary proceedings then held in his/her files showing dates, charges, and dispositions. Previous disciplinary records for the student affected are made available to the Honor Council, the Judicial Committee or the Sexual Misconduct Board during a hearing after a finding of guilt but before the imposition of sanctions. This practice allows members to attempt fairly to fit the sanction to the violation seen in the total context of the student's behavior at Davidson College.
C. Periodic Destruction
All records of disciplinary proceedings which result in dismissal of the charge or finding of no violation shall be destroyed immediately after termination of the proceeding.
• Records of suspension (Definite or Indefinite) will be maintained indefinitely.
• Records of all other sanctions will be destroyed five years after the student graduates.
• The disciplinary proceeding records of students who have withdrawn from the college will be destroyed five
years after such withdrawal unless the record indicates a prior suspension, in which case the record will be maintained indefinitely.

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