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HEALTH RISKS Psychologically addictive; increased risk of lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema; contributes to heart disease, fatigue, paranoia, possible psychosis; withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, hyperactivity and decreased appetite; depression of the immune system; decreased sperm count in men and irregular ovulation in women. POSSESSION PENALTIES / NORTH CAROLINA LAW Less than 1/2 oz. Marijuana or 1/20 oz. Hashish: 30 days in prison and/or $100 fine (Misdemeanor), More than 1/2 oz. Marijuana or 1/20 oz. Hashish: 5 years in prison and/or fine (Felony) SALE/MANUFACTURE PENALTIES / NORTH CAROLINA LAW 5 years in prison and/or fine (Felony)
POSSESSION PENALTIES / DAVIDSON COLLEGE POLICIES First violation will result in a $100 fine, required participation in a drug education program and a letter will be sent to parents. Second violation will result in a $200 fine, required participation in a drug education program and a letter will be sent to parents. Third violation will result in suspension from the college for one semester beyond the semester in which the violation occurs.
Laws are subject to revision at any time; the information provided is a general guide only. Students with specific legal questions and those arrested on alcohol and other drug charges should consult an attorney.
Any student who violates federal or state illegal drug laws is subject to criminal prosecution as well as campus judicial proceedings.
The Davidson Student Health and Counseling Service offers medical and psychological assistance. The Health Educator can help locate further resources or provide more detailed information on the ones listed below.
Student Counseling Center Student Health Center Health Educator
College Chaplain
Public Safety
College Campus Emergency Davidson Town Police
Amnesty Policy
Amnesty applies to:
894-2451 894-2300 894-2902 894-2423 894-2178 911 892-5131
• Students who seek assistance or emergency medical treatment on their own behalf.
• Students who seek assistance or emergency medical treatment on the behalf of another student
• Students in need of assistance.
• Students who have consumed alcohol and are victims of crimes. We encourage students that are victims of
crimes (including but not limited to physical or sexual assault, theft, vandalism) to contact authorities to get help.
Amnesty does not:
• Apply to behaviors other than consumption of alcohol.
• Apply to driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence.
• Apply to groups/organizations. However, if a representative of an organization hosting an event calls for medical
assistance for an individual, this act of seeking help may be considered in potential sanctioning for college policy
• Prohibit law enforcement agencies within their jurisdictions from enforcing the laws enacted by the State of North
• Apply to students who do not seek assistance from College Staff, Public Safety, or a local police/EMS agency.
Students who are confronted by College staff (RAs, Hall Counselors, Area coordinators, etc.) will be referred to the disciplinary process under the Code of Responsibility.

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