Page 4 - Paige's Digitial Listing Presentation
P. 4

 Paige New
 A Southern California native with over 20 years diverse real estate experience, Paige is highly knowledgeable a􏰀out the 􏰁an 􏰂iego area. 􏰃ith a reputation 􏰄or honesty and protecting her client􏰅s 􏰀est interests􏰆 􏰇aige im- plements creative deal structures, unique property search strategies and cutting-edge marketing technologies that provide unparalleled results. She is realistic and straightforward and often refers to herself with a smile as “the 􏰈ealtor 􏰄or people who don􏰅t like 􏰈ealtors.”
She has exceptional communication skills and a great sense of humor. She is experienced in construction and remodeling, interior design/staging, and property management. Paige is also a relocation specialist with a unique a􏰀ility to help guide her client􏰅s e􏰉pectations to the markets realities and has an empathetic under- standing o􏰄 the challenge􏰅s 􏰄amilies 􏰄ace when making a mo􏰊e.
Her love of real estate started when she moved to Colorado with her husband as newlyweds. Collectively, they built and successfully operated a full-service real estate investment and development company. She was also a top real estate agent with Coldwell Banker.

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