Page 15 - May 2009 The Game
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Canada’s Thoroughbred Racing Newspaper The Game, May 2009 15
HBPA Ontario Administration Office:: 135 Queen’s Plate Drive, Suite 370 Toronto, Ontario, M9W 6V1 • 416-747-5252
Before any application for a Foreign Worker can be submitted to the HRSDC the employer must prove that he tried to  nd a Canadian to  ll that position  rst.
It is mandatory for them to advertise the job on the internet Job Bank site located at for at least two weeks. This is a free service. First the employer must register their business on the site. They will need to submit their Business number to register and may be asked to fax some proof of their business.
In addition to the job bank the employer must show that they have tried to  nd Canadians in other ways. They could advertise on equine sites. (Google - equine job sites – Canada) As well as regular online job bank sites (Google – job bank). The employer may also choose to advertise in various newspapers.
Obviously during these two weeks if a Canadian replies to the job ad and they meet the employers requirements then the employer should hire them. Other than that the employer must maintain a record (name and phone number) of anyone that answers their ad and reasons why they did not meet the requirements of the job.
At the end of the two week period the employer must print off any and all ads and submit these along with the HRSDC Labour Market Opinion application available at the HBPA of ce.
After assessing the application the HRSDC can ask the employer for further information such as:
An of cial job offer letter with the following stated: job title, duties, hours per week, wages (stated as an hourly rate) and a statement declaring that they employer will take off all appropriate taxes.
If the employer has applied for other Foreign Workers within the past twelve months an update on where these workers are and if they are still with the employer than proof of their payroll with all applicable taxes taken off.
In addition, if the trainer wants the HBPA to be able to call on their behalf in regards to their Foreign Worker application they need to  ll out the section entitled ‘Third Party Information’ as well as page 5 (we never included page 5 before as the trainer never had to do that before.)
2009 Skills Courses
Applications for the following courses are now available at the HBPA backstretch of ces:
S h e d r o w o f t h e Mo n t h - Wo o d b i n e
Beginning in April, the HBPA and WEG will once again be awarding “Shedrow of the Month” for the 2009 season. Winners will receive a $100.00 cheque from the HBPA and WEG.
Groomof the Day- Woodbine
The Groom of the Day Program is once again being offered by
the HBPA. One horse each race day will be picked based upon their appearance. The groom of that horse will be awarded $75.00. At the end of the year the groom who receives the most Groom of the Day Picks will be awarded the “Groom of the Year’ Award.
The Woodbine HBPA backstretch of ce is now open 7 days a week with the following hours:
Mondays 8:30am - 12:30pm, Tuesdays - Saturdays 7am - 3pm, and Sundays 7am - 2pm.
The Fort Erie HBPA backstretch of ce is now open 7 days a week from 7am - 3pm.
The HBPA Administrative Of ce is open regular business hours from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
Practical Horsemanship/Barn Management
This class is hands-on and teaches the student proper handling, safety procedures, tacking, bandaging and race preparation.
Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse
Topics covered include basic conformation, anatomy, equine systems and their functions, therapies, shoeing, nutrition, leg problems and lameness.
This course will cover Rules and Regulations established by the ORC, WEG, Nordic and the HBPA. Also the CPMA schedule of drugs, drug testing procedures, ethics and legal issues, race of ce and business administrations.
Thoroughbred Racing Business Course
Applications are due no later than May 15, 2009. For more information contact your HBPA Backstretch of ces.
2009 is an election year for the Board of Directors of the Ontario HBPA. All Owners and Trainers and current HBPA Members can stay informed and be eligible to vote by providing the HBPA with your name, address and email address (if applicable).
This is necessary for us to be able to provide you with up to the minute facts on what is happening with the HBPA of Ontario, Woodbine and Fort Erie, and all North American Racetracks.
We ask that you email us at: general@hbpa.on.caand provide us with your Full name, address and telephone number.
Optional Insurance For Trainers
Your WSIB account covers the salary of workers that are injured while working for you. Did you know that you can request WSIB Optional Insurance to bene t you if you are injured at work. This way you will receive a salary from WSIB while you are unable to work. The premium for this additional insurance is based upon your gross earnings from the previous year. If this is the  rst year that you are a trainer it will be based upon the average earnings for this position. For further information please contact the HBPA track of ce or your WSIB Account Manager.
Trainer & Assistant Trainer Testing 2009
Applications for Trainer and Assistant Trainer testing are available at the track of ce. PLEASE NOTE: All applications must be submitted three weeks prior to the test dates. Only complete applications will be accepted.
HBPA Trainer and Assistant Trainer Testing Schedule 2009: May 27, 2009 - Both Woodbine and Fort Erie Racetracks
July 8, 2009 - Both Woodbine and Fort Erie Racetracks September 23, 2009 - Both Woodbine and Fort Erie Racetracks For more information contact the HBPA Backstretch Of ce.
All HBPA of ces will be closed on all statutory holidays.

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