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 A glimpse into a MSSG
Fall Program course...
More about Modeling with Linear Algebra
with Dr. Manuel Gonzalez Villa
This MSSG course aims to illustrate the practical value of mathematics. The focus on applications and real-life problems like principal component analysis, computer graphics, Markov chains, or facial recognition is what makes it unique and consequently, so valuable to those who take the course.
Modeling with Linear Algebra starts with real-life problems modeled with linear equations, which we will represent using matrices and vectors. Later on, it deals with topics such as determinants, Gram- Schmidt process, diagonalization of symmetric matrices, and least-square problems. Although
the course is mainly focused on applications and modeling, formality and rigor are not forgotten.
Students will learn that relatively elementary mathematical subjects, like linear algebra, as well
as relatively elementary concepts within linear algebra, like orthogonalization or eigenvalues, are tremendously useful when it comes to describing certain aspects of the real world. Through additional reading assignments the students learn how people considered genius today, people like John Von Neumann, Alan Turing, Wassily Leontief, or Karl Pearson, developed concepts of linear algebra and/or devised applications of linear algebra. Finally, they will learn that linear algebra is still useful today for recent astonishing technologies like search engines, GPS navigation, and analysis of big data sets.
What are some notable types of problems students will work with during the course: Perspective projections, rankings of tournaments, trend analysis of data, and modeling of population genetics.
 “This fantastic course is a natural follow-up to Hamilton’s Linear Algebra course. It includes some review of basic Linear Algebra,
but the majority of the course focuses on applications that are not covered in the Hamilton course. We recommend that all Hamilton students take this course if it is offered during the semester in which they participate!”
Dr. Andrew Dykstra Hamilton College
Learn more about other courses! Download the full MSSG Course Catalog here.

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