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in Guanajuato
MSSG is dedicated to offering a rigorous and innovative international program focused on data science and a combination of pure and applied mathematics. By cultivating a multidisciplinary
team of researchers at the forefronts of their respective fields, MSSG looks to generate a truly interdisciplinary academic program that consistently evolves with the current developments in data science and applied mathematics.
Our intention is to bring bright-minded students from across the globe to participate in learning that challenges them to grow academically, as well as through the exchange of culture and language.
Mathematical Sciences Semesters in Guanajuato (MSSG) is an international study abroad program open to undergraduate students with a strong grounding in Mathematics who want to increase their knowledge of data science, modeling and partial differential equations from a comprehensive, forward-looking, and cutting-edge perspective while acquiring a solid theoretical foundation.
Mathematical Sciences Semesters in Guanajuato is
a wonderful opportunity for students with a strong interest and knowledge base in Mathematics, Statistics or Computer Science from around the world to improve their skills with some of the best academics in their fields, and to get to know Mexican culture at first hand in one of the country’s most emblematic and vibrant cities.

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