Page 1 - Social Security - Re-Inventing It
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Hello once again, as you know by now I am James Gries, known by some as Pappy G. By this time I’m sure you’re aware of
how our elected representatives, all 535 members, past and present of the United States Congress have turned Social
Security into something it was never intended to be.
It’s been turned into a tax gobbling PacMan machine that takes more than needed in the form of higher than needed Social
Security taxes from the paychecks of millions of working Americans, and the retirement checks of millions of retired
seniors. Then delivers those excess retirement dollars into the hands of our elected members of congress where they are
spent on something other than intended; $181 billion dollars in one year alone; $846 billion in one 5 year period alone.
These are the dollars that previously flowed into small local community banks in the form of payroll saving plan
contributions. that small local banks would bundle, and use to fund business expansion, and new business startup loans
that created the new jobs in their local communities. When payroll savings deposits were diverted to a so called government
“trust fund’ under political control, small local community banks dried up, and new job creation stalled. The save Social
Security recipe of 1983 was now being used to destroy financial independence, and create BIG government dependence.
A better way called the American Family & Community Rebuilding Act has been developed – AFCRA takes the vast majority
of our retirement dollars out of the hands of members of congress, and keeps them back home on main street America. No
more Social Security retirement dollar overpayments.
AFCRA – It is the People’s way, and It has a positive affect on each, and every American between the age of birth, an death.