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Hi, my name is James Gries, I’m a retired business owner, have 23 grands, and 3 greats. Over my lifetime I’ve owned several businesses,
wholesale, retail, development, distribution, and so on. Each business had it’s own unique set of problems, and I’ve learned some things
along the way; some the hard way. To be successful, whether in business or in life, problems left unaddressed become a cancer, and will eat
away until it destroys you.
In this case we’re going to talking about a problem that’s eating away at you, me, and millions of our fellow Americans, their families and
the communities we all call home. That problem is the amount of money Government takes from you, and your customers paychecks, and
retirement checks. I don’t need to tell you that your success depends on YOUR customers, and WHEN GOVERNMENT TAKES more OF THEIR
MONEY that affects what they have to spend with your business.
A plan has been developed that keeps money now going to government back home on your main streets. It’s called the AMERICAN FAMILY
& COMMUNITY REBUILDING ACT, AFCRA, and it begins by lowering the amount Social Security gets from you, and millions of working
Americans like you from the current $12.40 per $100 of earning to initially $4.16 cents for every $100 of income. That difference of $8.24
per $100 never leaves local communities; Imagine the effect this will have on your local community, your customers, and your business.
AFCRA, it’s not for a chosen few; it’s for everyone of us between the age of birth and death – AFCRA - THE PEOPLE’S WAY
This E-Book outlines the role we’re asking your business to play, and businesses like yours all across American. Please give it your thoughtful
consideration; then let me know of your decision. -Thank you.